My research is shaped by two aims to help achieve sustainable development goals: (1) discovering ways to improve financial inclusion, especially during hard times and among under- represented populations, and (2) promoting sustainable ways of financing, whether through sustainable energy disclosures or by market capitalization.My research draws upon theory and empirical evidence from sustainable finance, energy economics, and broader cross-discipline fields such as behavioural science and family studies. My primary goal is to produce high-quality, high-impact research that tackles important questions to address financial inclusion and sustainability concerns.
Educational Background
- Bachelor of Commerce (Hons) in Finance, with Distinction, 2016-2019 - Asper School of Business
- Master of Science in Finance, 2019-2020 - Smith School of Business
- Ph.D. in Finance, 2020-2025 - Smith School of Business
Published Papers
- The Intersection of Climate Beliefs and Sustainability: An Empirical Study of Energy Efficiency Premiums in the Residential Real Estate Market, forthcoming, Journal of Finance Issues.
- Birth Order and Executive Risk-Taking: A Study on CEO Behavioral Disposition. International Business Research, Vol. 16, No. 11.
Conferences & Presentations
- Queen’s Workshop on Organizations and Markets
- Entrepreneurial Finance Association (ENTFIN) Conference
- International Conference on Digital, Innovation
- Financing and Entrepreneurship (DIFE)
- The Canadian Sustainable Finance Network (CSFN) Annual Conference
- CEFGroup Climate Finance Symposium
- Queen’s Global Summer Symposium
Awards & Honours
- The Case Centre’s Case Writing Scholarship, 2024
- McCall MacBain Sustainable Finance Award, 2020-2021
- CFA Scholarship, 2020 & 2024
- Queen’s School of Business Award, 2020
- Exceptional Academic Achievement, 2018
- Financial Executives Institute Scholarship, 2018
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