Michaela Scanlon
Expected Graduation Year: 2025
While my broad focus is on mental health stigma in the workplace, I have spent the majority of my schooling focused on mental illness stigma towards leaders. My dissertation takes a look at the consequences of bottom-up mental illness stigma, while some of my other research explores experienced stigma as a potential barrier to leadership emergence. However, I am also interested in extending this work to explore neurodiversity and mental health in the workplace more generally.Educational Background
- Bachelor of Arts Honors in Psychology - Carleton University
- MSc in Management - Smith School of Business
- PhD in Management (OB) - Smith School of Business (Current)
Conferences & Presentations
- Scanlon, M., & Barling., J. (2024, August). The bright and dark sides of personal stigma and leadership emergence. The vantage point: Perspectives of mental health experiences at work. Organized by Michaela Scanlon and Daniel Quintal-Curcic for the 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
- Scanlon, M., Grocutt, A., & Barling, J. (2024, June). Does leader narcissism hurt safety? It is the nature of the narcissism that counts. Presented at the 16th European Association of Occupational Health Psychology Conference.
- Scanlon, M., & Barling, J. (2023, August). Bottom-up mental illness stigma towards leaders. In the symposium: Employee Mental Illness, Interpersonal Discrimination at Work, and how Human Resources can help. Symposium presented at 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
- Scanlon, M., Barling, J., Granger, S., Turner, N., Akers, A., Pupco, S., & Beiko, D. (2022, August) Transformational Leadership, Team Processes, And Surgery Outcomes: How Directive Leadership Helps Under Complex Conditions. Presented at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
- Scanlon, M., Blais, A.-R., Suurd Ralph, C., Grocutt, A., Pupco, S., Somerville, K., & Barling, J. (2022, July). Understanding Reluctant Leaders: A Person-Centered Approach to Leader Emergence. Presented at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
- Scanlon, M., & Spitzmuller, M. (2021, August). Superheroes vs. Saints: The A&C Model of Narcissism, Needs, and Leadership Behaviors. Presented at the 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
Awards & Honours
- Ontario Graduate Scholarship 2024-2025: Province of Ontario
- Joseph-Armand Bombardier SSHRC CGS Doctoral Award 2021-present: Canadian Federal Government
- New PhD Research Excellence Award 2022-2023: Smith School of Business
- Elizabeth Neave Fellowship 2021-2022: Smith School of Business
- Arthur B. McDonald Prize for Academic Excellence 2020-2021: Smith School of Business
- Senate Medal for Outstanding Academic Achievement 2020: Carleton University
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