Beste Kucukyazici
Associate Professor & E. Marie Shantz Fellow of Management AnalyticsOverview
Beste Kucukyazici is an Associate Professor & E. Marie Shantz Fellow of Management Analytics at Smith School of Business at Queen’s University and the lead of Smith's Healthcare Analytics Initiative. Her current work is on the application and advancement of analytics techniques with a focus on healthcare and sustainability.
Download Full CV Academic Area
- Management Analytics
Interest Topics
- Analytics & AI
- Healthcare
- Operations
- Social Impact & Sustainability
Faculty Details
Full Bio
Beste Kucukyazici is an Associate Professor & E. Marie Shantz Fellow of Management Analytics at Smith School of Business. Previously, Prof. Kucukyazici was an assistant professor at Michigan State University and at McGill University. She also had positions at MIT-Zaragoza Logistics Center, at the St. Mary's Hospital Research Center and at the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics.
Her current research agenda focuses on the development and application of predictive and prescriptive analytics methods for tackling challenges faced by decision-makers in the health sector and sustainable supply chains. In the context of healthcare management, she specifically studies policy design, healthcare operations, and medical decision-making. In the context of sustainable operations, she specifically focuses on supply chain network design, analysis of regulations as well as pricing while taking into account the environmental impact and sustainability of the producers’ operations.
Prof. Kucukyazici has taught undergraduate and graduate courses on business analytics, operations management, information technology, strategy, healthcare management, and healthcare analytics.
Academic Degrees
PhD in Operations Management
McGill University
CIHR Health Informatics PhD/Postdoc Strategic Training Program
McGill University
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen's University
Associate Professor (2023 - Present)
Adjunct Assistant Professor (2022-2023)
Michigan State University
Assistant Professor (2019-2022)
McGill University
MD-MBA Program Director (2016-2019)
Faculty Fellow, Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Mgmt (2013-2015)
Assistant Professor, Operations Management (2012-2019)
MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics
Professor of Supply Chain Management (2009-2012)
Refereed Journal Papers
Abitbol J., Kucukyazici B., Brin S., Lau S., Salvador S., Ramanakumar A.V., Kessous R., Kogan L., Fletcher J.D., Pare-Miron v., Liu G., Gotlieb W.H. Impact of Robotic Surgery for Ovarian Cancer on In-Hospital and Post-Discharge Patient Trajectories and Resource Use Intensity Journal of Robotic Surgery, 2023, 17(2):537-547.
Ardestani-Jaafari A. and Kucukyazici B. Improving Patient Transfer Protocols for Regional Stroke Networks. Management Science, 2022, 68(9): Pages 6355-7064
Fainman E.Z. and Kucukyazici B. Design of Financial Incentives and Payment Schemes in Healthcare Systems. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences; 2020, 72(12), 100901
Kucukyazici B., Zhang Y., Ardestani-Jaafari A and Song L. Incorporating Patient Preferences in the Design and Operation of Cancer Screening Facility Networks. European Journal of Operational Research, 2020, 287(2): 616-632.
Abitbol J., Munir A., How J., Lau S., Salvador S., Kogan L., Kessous R., Breitner L., Frank R., Kucukyazici B., Gotlieb W.H. The Shifting Trends Towards a Robotic-Assisted Surgical Interface: Clinical and Financial Implications. Health Policy and Technology, 2020, 9(2): 157-165.
Zhu C., Kucukyazici B. and Maizi Y. Designing Observation Units for Heart Failure Patients: Capacity and Patient Flow Considerations. Service Science, 2019, 12(1): 8-25.
Chen W., Kucukyazici B. and Saenz M.J. Redesign of Extended Producer Responsibility and Its Impact on the OEM’s Recovery Strategies. International Journal of Production Economics, 2019, 218: 228-244
Abitbol J., Gotlieb W., Zeng X., Ramanakumar A.V., Kessous R., Kogan L., Pare-Miron V., Rombaldi M., Salvador S., Kucukyazici B., Brin S., How J., Lau S. Incorporating robotic surgery into the management of ovarian cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, 2019, 29: 1341-1347.
Samiedaluie S., Kucukyazici B., Verter V. and Zhang D. Managing Patient Admissions in a Neurology Ward, Operations Research, 2017, 65(3): 635–656.
Ibrahim R., Kucukyazici B., Verter V., Gendreau M. and Blostein M. Designing Individualized Treatment: An Application to Anticoagulation Therapy, Production and Operations Management, 2016, 25(5): 902-918.
Chen W., Kucukyazici B., Verter V. and Saenz M.J. Supply Chain Design for Unlocking the Value of Remanufacturing Under Uncertainty, European Journal of Operational Research, 2015, 247(3): 804-819
Kucukyazici B., Verter V. and Mayo N. An Analytical Framework for Designing Community-Based Care Delivery Processes for Chronic Diseases. Production Operations Management, 2011, 20(3): 474-488
Kucukyazici B., Verter V., Nadeau L. and Mayo N. Improving Post-Stroke Health Outcomes: Can Facilitated Care Help? Health Policy, 2009, 93: 180-187
Kucukyazici B., Ozdamar L. and Pokharel, S. Developing concurrent investment plans for power generation and transmission. European Journal of Operational Research, 2005, 166(2): 449-468
Verter V., Kucukyazici B. and Mayo N. On the Significance of Reducing the Need for Stroke Patients to Visit the Emergency Department. Clinical and Investigative Medicine Journal, 2005, 23(6): 371-375
Ozdamar L., Ekinci E., and Kucukyazici B. Emergency Logistics Planning in Natural Disasters. Annals of Operations Research, 2004, 129: 217-245
Papers Under Review/Revision
Hosseinpour P., Kucukyazici B. and Verter V. Nurse Workload Balancing Using Real-Time Location Data
Hejazian, H., Kucukyazici B., Nasiry J., Verter V., and Frank D. The Impact of Hospital and Patient Characteristics on Psychiatry Readmissions
Zhu C., Kucukyazici B. and Wu T. On Reducing the Medically Unnecessary Cesarean Deliveries: The Design of Payment Models for Maternity Care
Refereed Book Chapters
Kucukyazici B. and V. Verter, Managing Community-based Care for Chronic Diseases: The Quantitative Approach, In G.S. Zaric (Ed.), Operations Research and Health Care Policy, Springer Publishers, New York, 2013: 71-90.
Konrad R., Kucukyazici B. and Lawley M. Using Patient Flows to Examine Hospital Operations. Management Engineering for Effective Healthcare Delivery: Principles and Applications; edited by Alexander Kolker and Pierce Story, IGI Global, 2011: 402-417.
Kucukyazici B., Keshavjee K., Bosomworth J., Copen J., Lai J. Best Practices for Implementing Electronic Health Records and Information Systems. The Human and Social Side of Health Information Systems, edited by Dr. Andre W. Kushniruk and Prof. Elizabeth Borycki, Idea Group Publishing, PA; 2008; pp. 120-138.
Working Papers
Designing Specialist Response Policies in Emergency Departments; with Zhu C. and Sun Z.
Jalali Z., Kucukyazici B. and Gumus M. The Spillover Effect of Boarding Congestion on Emergency Departments
Design of Stroke Network for Rural Areas: Optimal Integration of Tele-Stroke; with A. Ardestani-Jaafari and P. Hosseinpour
Higher the Workload Higher the Resource Use? The Impact of Physician Workload on Referral, Imaging and Test Requests in Emergency Departments; with E. Belzei and R. Mah. CV-4
Managing Regional Hospital Resources Amid Pandemics for Improving Health Outcomes; with A. Nair, A. Georghiou, B. Naderi and V. Verter.
Work-in-Progress Papers
Design of Inter-hospital Transfer Policies for Regional Stroke Networks
Developing machine learning models for predicting emergency department re-admissions
Identification of patient pathways in emergency departments and hospitals
Designing Optimal Therapy for Stroke Prevention from Atrial Fibrillation.
Courses Taught
- Introduction to Mathematical Analysis, undergraduate level core course, Smith School of Business
- Business Analytics, MBA core course, Smith School of Business
- Information Systems and Strategy, MBA core course, Michigan State University
- Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, undergraduate level core course for supply chain management concentration, Michigan State University
- Business Analytics, MBA elective course, Michigan State University
- Healthcare Analytics, core course, M.Sc. in Healthcare Management, Michigan State University
- Guest lecturer on analytics/AI/machine learning, Logistics Emerging Thought Seminar, PhD course, Michigan State University
- Operations Management, BCom core course, McGill University
- Operations and Supply Chain Analytics, BCom and MBA elective course, McGill University
- Healthcare Systems, MBA elective course, McGill University.
- Economic Evaluation for Healthcare, International Masters for Health Leadership Program, McGill University.
- Business Statistics, Graduate level core course, MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program.
- Analytical Models, Graduate level core course, MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program.
Course Development
- Re-design of Information Systems and Strategy course, which integrates information systems and business analytics, featuring case studies, lectures, in-class simulation games, guest speakers and in-class mini-case analysis through data analytics tools, Michigan State University
- Design of Business Analytics course featuring case studies, lectures, in-class simulation game, guest speakers and in-class problem analysis, Michigan State University
- Re-design of Manufacturing and Service Operations Management course featuring case studies, lectures, in-class simulation games, guest speakers and in-class problem analysis, Michigan State University
- Re-design of MGCR 472 Operations Management course featuring case studies, lectures, in-class games, guest speakers and in-class problem analysis, McGill University
- Re-design of BUSA 698 Healthcare Systems course featuring case studies, lectures, guest speakers, in-class debates and term papers, McGill University
PhD Level Supervision
Zahra Jalali, Ph.D. student, Operations Management, Desautels Faculty of Management Sole supervision, 2018-2019; Co-supervision: 2019- 2020
Awarded Doctoral Research Scholarship, Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC)
(Funded: 2020 – 2021)
Cheng Zhu, Ph.D. student, Operations Management, Desautels Faculty of Management. Sole supervision, 2012-2017
Awarded Doctoral Research Scholarship, Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC)
(Funded: 2016 – 2017)
Thesis Title: Three Essays on Data-Driven Models in Health Care Operations Management
Current position: Assistant Professor, Texas State University
Wenyi Chen, Ph.D. student, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program. Primary supervisor, 2010-2015
Thesis Title: Making Sustainability Profitable: The Impact of Closed-loop Supply Chain Design and Regularity Schemes on Stakeholders.
Current position: Head of Logistics Sustainability, Tata Steel Europe.
For a complete list of academic supervision, please refer to the CV.
Data-driven practice-focused research with a particular emphasis on healthcare analytics and socially responsible supply chains.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Maizi, Y., Zhu, C. and Kucukyazici, B., 2018, March. Policy Evaluation of a Potential Observation Unit (OU) for Acute Decompensated Heart Failure (ADHF) Patients. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 17(1): 31
Chen W., Kucukyazici B., Verter V and Saenz M.J. The Impact of Uncertainty on Recovery Strategies: A Realistic Case Study, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Annual Conference, France, 2013
Kucukyazici B., Chen W. and Verter V. The Impact of Uncertainty on Closed-Loop Supply Chains. Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics ODYSSEUS, 2012
Kucukyazici B., Green G. and Verter V. Improving Stroke Outcomes through Operational Policies. MSOM Annual Conference, Haifa, 2010.
Kucukyazici B., Verter V., and Blostein M. Clinical Decision Making from Prevention of Stroke from Atrial Fibrillation. Proceedings of 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Toronto, 2010.
Khananian A., Kucukyazici B. and Verter V. Dealing with unscheduled patients in an outpatient clinic: a simulation modeling approach. McGill Journal of Medicine, 2008, 11(1).
Keshavjee K., Bosomworth J., Copen J., Kucukyazici B., Lai J., Lilani R., Holbrook AM. How to Successfully Implement an EMR in Small Clinics using Best Practices from a Systematic Review. Proceedings of Information Technology and Communications in Health (ITCH); 2007: 328-338
Keshavjee K., Bosomworth J., Copen J., Kucukyazici B., Lai J., Lilani R., and Holbrook AM. Development of a Multi-Theoretical Electronic Medical Record Implementation Framework. E-Health Conference, Quebec City, 2007
Keshavjee K., Bosomworth J., Copen J., Kucukyazici B., Lai J., Lilani R., Holbrook AM. EMR Implementation Best Practices: A Systematic Review. American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Symposium Proceedings, 2006: 982.
Keshavjee K., Bosomworth J., Copen J., Kucukyazici B., Lai J., Lilani R., and Holbrook AM. Implementation of Electronic Medical Records in Small Family Physician Practices. CHPSTP Workshop, Calgary, 2006
Keshavjee K., Bosomworth J., Copen J., Kucukyazici B., Lai J., Lilani R., Holbrook AM. Best Practices in EMR Implementation: A Systematic Review. The Eleventh International Symposium on Health Information Management Research (iSHIMR); 2006: 233-246
Kucukyazici, B., Verter V., Nadeau L. and Mayo N. A Scenario-Based Approach to the Improvement of Healthcare Delivery to Stroke Patients in the Community. Proceedings of Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS) Annual Conference, 2005: 253-264.
Invited Conference Presentations
Nurse Workload Balancing Using Real-Time Location Data, with Hosseinpour P and Verter V. INFORMS Annual Conference, Phoenix AR, 2023 (scheduled).
On Reducing Medically Unnecessary Procedures Through Analytics, with Zhu E. and Wu T. 6th Annual Research Roundtable: Data Analytics in Healthcare, Toronto, ON, 2023
Managing Regional Hospital Resources Amid Pandemics for Improving Health Outcomes; with A. Nair, A. Georghiou and V. Verter. MSOM Annual Conference, Munich Germany, 2022
The Spillover Effect of Boarding Congestion on Emergency Departments; with Jalali Z. and Gumus M. MSOM Annual Conference, Munich Germany, 2022
On Reducing Medically Unnecessary Cesarean Deliveries: The Design of Outcome-based Payment-for-Performance Models for Maternity Care; with Zhu E. POMS Annual Conference, Online, 2022
Weeping Hospitals: How Patient Complexity and Hospital Operational Characteristics Affects the Psychiatric Readmission Problem; with Hejazian H., Nasiry J., and Verter V. POMS Annual Conference, Online, 2022
Design of Stroke Network for Rural Areas: Optimal Integration of Tele-Stroke; with Jaafari A. and Hoseinpour P. INFORMS Annual Conference, CA, 2021.
The Effects of Boarding Patients on Treatment Time in Emergency Departments; with Jalali Z., and Gumus M. POMS Annual Conference, 2021.
On Reducing Medically Unnecessary Cesarean Deliveries: The Optimal Delivery Modes of Patient Groups; with Zhu C. and Wu T. Annual Conference of Decision Science Institute, 2020.
Design of Specialist Response Policies to Emergency Departments; INFORMS Healthcare Conference with Zhu C. and Mah R. Cambridge MA, 2019.
Improving Patient Transfer Protocols for Regional Stroke Networks; with Jaafari A. POMS Annual Conference, Washington DC, 2019.
Robust design of a stroke hospital network; with Jaafari A.
• CORS Annual Meeting, Halifax, 2018.
• Optimization Days, Montreal, 2018.
On Reducing Waiting Times for Consultations in Emergency Departments; with Zhu C. INFORMS Annual Conference, Houston, 2017.
Designing Personalized Anticoagulant Therapy; with Ibrahim R., Verter V., Gendreau M., Blostein M. INFORMS Annual Conference, Houston, 2017.
Design of Two-tiered Payment Models for Maternity Care; with Zhu C. INFORMS Annual Conference, Houston, 2017
Design of a Robust Stroke Network: Personalized Patient Transportation Policies; with Jaafari A. INFORMS Annual Conference, Houston, 2017
On Reducing Consultation Waiting Times in Emergency Departments; with Zhu C. INFORMS Healthcare Conference, Rotterdam, 2017
Optimal Reimbursement Schemes for Maternity Care Safety and Quality; with Zhu C. INFORMS Annual Conference, Nashville, 2016
Robust Design of a stroke hospital network; with Ardesti-Jaafari A. INFORMS Annual Conference, Nashville, 2016
Design of Operational Policies to Reduce Boarding Time in Emergency Departments, with Zhu C. INFORMS Annual Conference, Nashville, 2016
Design of Financial Incentives for Maternity Care Safety and Quality with Zhu C.
• POMS Annual Conference, Orlando, 2016
• INFORMS Annual Conference, Philadelphia, 2015
Optimal Admission/Discharge Criteria for Patients with Heart Failure in Observation Units; with Bhat S. and Mah R. INFORMS Annual Conference, Philadelphia, 2015
Incorporating Client Preferences into Preventive Care Network Design; with Verter V., Song L. and Zhang Y.
• POMS Annual Conference, Orlando, 2016
• INFORMS Conference on Healthcare, Montreal, Chicago, 2013
• INFORMS Annual Conference, Minneapolis, 2013
Design of Financial Incentives for Avoiding Unnecessary C-Sections; with Zhu C.
• CORS/INFORMS International Conference, Montreal, 2015
• INFORMS Healthcare Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, 2015
Investigating Admission/Discharge Criteria for Patients in Emergency Department Observation Units; with Bhat S. INFORMS Healthcare Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, 2015
The redesign of extended producer responsibility and its impact on a producer’s recovery strategies; Chen W. and Saenz M.J. 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Barcelona Spain, 2014
Supply Chain Design for Unlocking the Value of Remanufacturing Under Uncertainty; with Chen W., Verter V. and Saenz M.J. POMS International Conference, Hong Kong, 2014
Designing Individualized Treatment: An Application to Anticoagulation Therapy; with Verter V., Ibrahim R., Gendaru M. and Blostein M. INFORMS Conference on Healthcare, Chicago 2013
Managing Admission Policies to a Neuro- Ward; with Samiedaluie S., Verter V., and Zhang D.
• INFORMS Conference on Healthcare, Chicago 2013
• INFORMS Annual Conference, Phoenix, 2012
Managing Admission Policies to a Neuro-Ward; with Samiedaluie S., Verter V., and Zhang D.
• The Seventh Conference on INTRIM in Operations and Global Supply Chains, Montreal, 2011 (poster)
• INFORMS Conference on Healthcare, Montreal, 2011
Facility Location for Product Recovery: The Impact of Uncertainty; with Chen W., Verter V. and Saenz M.J.
• INFORMS Annual Conference, Minneapolis, 2013
• Mathematics of Operations and Logistics Conference, Spain, 2013
Understanding Client Preference for Preventive Care; with Song L. INFORMS Annual Conference, Phoenix, 2012
Design of Closed Loop Supply Chains under Uncertainty; with Chen W. and Verter V.
• INFORMS Annual Conference, Phoenix, 2012
• 10th International Closed Loop Supply Chain Workshop, Montreal, 2010 (poster).
Design and Operations of Stroke Units; with Green L. and Verter V.
• POMS Annual Conference, Vancouver, 2010
• ALIO/INFORMS Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2010
Designing Antithrombotic Therapy for Preventing Stroke from Atrial Fibrillation: Initialization of Therapy; Verter V. and Bloestein M.
• INFORMS Annual Conference, Washington DC, 2008
• Annual Meeting of ORAHS, Toronto, 2008
• Annual Conference of CORS, Quebec City, 2008
• POMS Annual Conference, San Diego, 2008
An Analytical Framework for Managing Community-Based Care Delivery Processes for Chronic Disease; with Verter V. and Mayo M.
• Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McGill University, Montreal, 2008
• INFORMS Annual Conference, Seattle, 2007
• POMS Annual Conference, Dallas, 2007
Dealing with Unscheduled Patients in an Outpatient Clinic: A Simulation Modeling Approach; with Kananyan A. and Verter V. Research Days in Medicine Faculty, McGill University, 2007
A methodological framework to Model Community-Based Care Delivery Process for Chronic Diseases; with Verter V. and Mayo M. Graduate Student Workshop on Healthcare Operations, Montreal, 2006.
On the Significance of Reducing the Need for Stroke Patients to Visit the Emergency Department; with Verter V. and Mayo M. Workshop for HealthCare Modeling, Vancouver, 2005.
A Markov Modeling of the Care Delivery Process for Stroke Patients after Discharged from Hospital; with Verter V. and Mayo M. Optimization Days, Montreal, 2005.
Best Practices in EMR Implementation: A Systematic Review; with Keshavjee K., Bosomworth J., Copen J., Lai J., Lilani R. American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annual Symposium, Washington DC 2006
A Scenario-Based Approach to the Improvement of Healthcare Delivery to Stroke Patients in the Community; with Verter V. and Mayo M. EURO Summer Institute XXIII: OR in Healthcare, Southampton, UK, 2005.
Improving the care delivery process for stroke patients; with Verter V. and Mayo M. International Healthcare and Technology Management (HCTM) Ph.D. Workshop, Univ. of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2004.
Optimization of Electrical Power Supply Network and Power Supply Investments in Turkey; with Ozdemir L. 23rd National Conference on Operational Research and Industrial Eng., Istanbul, Turkey, 2002.
Developing concurrent investment plans for power generation and transmission; with Ozdemir L. 22nd National Conference on Operational Research and Industrial Eng., Ankara, Turkey, 2001.
Invited Seminars
Consortium of 16 schools – in the disciplines of operations management (OM), decision sciences and information systems- Virtual Seminar Series, 2021
Michigan State University, Department of Accounting and Information Systems, 2019, 2021
Michigan State University, Department of Supply Chain Management, 2019
McMaster University, DeGroote School of Business, May 2016
Concordia University, Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, November 2016
Sabanci University, School of Business, Istanbul, Turkey, December 2015
University of Calgary, School of Business, Calgary, Alberta, September 2014
Bilkent University, Department of Industrial Engineering, Ankara Turkey, 2013
University of Toronto, Rotman School of Business, Toronto, Ontario, 2012
University of Waterloo, Department of Management Science, Waterloo, Ontario 2012
St. Mary’s Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, 2012
McGill University, Desautels Faculty of Management, Montreal, Quebec, 2012
Institute of Aragones Health Science, Zaragoza, Spain, 2010
HEC Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, 2009
IE Business School, Madrid, Spain, 2009
Boston College, Carroll School of Management, Boston, Massachusetts, 2009
MIT-Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, 2009
ESSEC Business School, Cergy-Pontoise, France, 2009
University of Florida, Industrial Engineering Department, Gainesville, Florida, 2009
University of Arkansas, Industrial Engineering Department, Fayetteville, Arkansas, 2009
Sabanci University, Industrial Engineering Department, Istanbul, Turkey, 2009 CV-8
University of Iowa, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, Iowa City, Iowa, 2008
Invited Tutorials
How to Develop and Use Micro-Simulations for Design of the Public Health Interventions, Institute of Health and Social Policy, McGill University, Montreal, 2012
Optimization of the Design and Delivery of Chronic Care through Operations Research, NSERC CREATE Program on Health Care Operations Management and Information System Summer Academy, Toronto, 2012
The Role of Operations Research through the Journey of Chronic Care, Ph.D. Workshop at Annual Meeting of Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS), Toronto, 2008
Awards, Fellowships & Recognition
Co-Supervised the dissertation that was awarded the Doctoral Research Scholarship, Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC), 2020
Supervised the dissertation that was awarded the Doctoral Research Scholarship, Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC), 2016
Faculty Fellow of Integrated Management (Healthcare); Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Mgmt., McGill University, 2013-2015
Principle’s Dissertation Award, McGill University, 2007
Silver Poster Award, National Poster Competition, Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR), 2007
Honorable Mention, INFORMS Bonder Scholarship for Applied Operations Research in Health Services, 2007
Canadian Delegate, EURO Summer Institute XXIII: OR in Healthcare, 2005, selected and nominated by Canadian Operations Research Society
Graduate Student Conference Support Award, Canadian Operations Research Society, 2005
Entrance Fellowship, Desautels Faculty of Management McGill University, 2004-2005
Top graduation and Dean’s honor list, Graduate School, Yeditepe University, 2002
Graduate Studies Scholarship, Yeditepe University, 2000-2002
Dean’s honor list, Marmara University, Engineering Faculty, 1996-2000
Grants & Funding
Ontario Ministry of Health First Movers’ Fund (2023-2024)
Amount: $204,058
Smith School of Business Internal Research Funds Competition (2022)
Amount: $15,432
Eli Broad College of Business, MSU, Summer Research Award (2021)
Amount: $16,000
Eli Broad College of Business, MSU, Summer Research Award CV-6 (2020)
Amount: $19,000
Fonds de Recherche du Quebec- Sante (FRSQ), Operating Grant on Emergency Services Issues and Continuum of Care (2016-2019)
Amount: $269,479
Rossy Cancer Network Project Title (2015-2016)
Amount: $10,000
Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Société et la Culture (FQRSC) New Researcher Grant (2014 – 2017)
Amount: $39,600
Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR), SPOR Networks (2014-2015)
Amount: $150,000
Marcel Desautels Institute of Integrated Management Fellowship, McGill University, In the category of “Research” (2014 – 2016)
Amount: One course release and $4,650
St. Mary’s Research Center, New Investigator’s Research Award (2012-2015)
Amount: $75,000
Start-up Grant, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University (2012-2015)
Amount: $60,000
McGill University, Paper Presentation Grant (2012)
Amount: $1,500
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Travel Grant (2008)
Amount: $2,000
McGill University, The Alma Mater Student Travel Grant (2007)
Amount: $2,000
Academic Service
Michigan State University
Department Level
- Supply Chain Council Undergraduate Case Competition, Faculty Judge, Oct 2021
- Supply Chain Council Case Competition, Faculty Judge, Jan 2021 CV-13
- Member, Globalization Task Force, Department of Supply Chain Management, 2020–2021.
McGill University
University Level
- Guest Speaker, Info Session on “How to be Successful for Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Société et la Culture (FQRSC)’s Start Up Program for New Research Professors”, organized by Office of Sponsored Research (OSR), August 2014
Faculty Level
- Director, McGill MD-MBA Program, 2016-2019
- Member, Specialized Master Programs Committee, 2018-2019
- Member, MBA Program Committee, 2017-2018
- Member, Advisory Board, Marcel Desautels Institute of Integrated Management, 2017-2018
- Member, Ph.D. Committee, 2013-2015, 2016-2017, 2018-2019
- Member, Management Science Research Centre Steering Committee, 2013-2014
Area Level
- PhD Program Coordinator, Operations Management Area: coordination of all PhD admissions, preparing and conducting the common comprehensive exam- methodology requirement, assignment of teaching and teaching assistantship positions
- Supply Chain Council Case Competition, Faculty Judge, 2021, MSU
Public Outreach
- Co-discussant with Susan Devore, CEO of Premier Inc. on “Redefining Health Care: Transformation of Health Systems for 21st Century”, The Integrated Management Symposium Series
Professional Service
Editorial Board Membership
Operations Research for Health Care Journal, 2015- present
Conference Chair
- Inaugural Healthcare Analytics Conference, Queen’s University, 2023
- Smith’s Workshop on Healthcare Management, Smith Business School, Queen’s University 2023
- 11th International Closed-Loop Supply Chain Workshop, Zaragoza, 2012
- Operations Research in Public Health Workshop, McGill University, 2007 (co-chair)
- Graduate Student Workshop on Healthcare Operations, McGill University, 2006 (co-chair)
Cluster Chair of International Conferences
- Chair of Big Data Analytics Cluster, Decision Science Institute Annual Conference, San Francisco, 2020
- Co-Chair of Health Care Cluster, POMS Annual Meeting, Chicago, 2012
- Co-Chair of Health Care Cluster, ALIO INFORMS Joint International Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2010
Program Chair
INFORMS Conference on Healthcare, 2011, Montreal
Referee for National Granting Agencies
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Grants, Canada, 2016
- The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Discovery Grant, Canada, 2012, 2013, 2017
- Interdisciplinary Capacity Enhancement Awards by Health Research Board, Ireland; 2012, 2013
- Health Services Research Grant by Ministry of Health, Singapore, 2011
Committee Chair
- INFORMS Health Applications Society, Bonder Scholarship Committee, 2013, 2014
- POMS College of Healthcare Operations Management, Best Paper Competition, 2011
- INFORMS Health Applications Society, Best Student Paper Award Committee, 2015, 2017, 2019
- POMS College of Healthcare Operations Management, Best Paper Award Committee, 2014, 2015
- CORS Best Student Paper Award Committee, 2012
INFORMS Healthcare Society Board, 2014-2016
Round table Discussion, INFORMS Conference on Healthcare, 2013, Chicago
Vice President-Awards
POMS Health Care College, 2010-2011
Secretary and Editor
POMS Health Care College, 2009-2010
Editor and Member
POMS Health Care College Founding Board, 2008-2009
POMS Chronicle Editorial Board, 2008-2009
Advisory Board Member
NSERC CREATE Program on Health Care Operations Management and Information Systems, 2009-2011
Scientific Committee Member and Referee
VIII. and IX. International Logistics & Supply Chain Congresses, 2010 and 2011
Operations Research, Production Operations Management, European Journal of Operations Research Society, Decision Sciences, IIE Transactions on Healthcare, Journal of Operations Research Society, IIE Transactions, Healthcare Management Science, Operations Research for Health Care, Socioeconomic Planning Sciences, Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, Journal of Simulation, Infor, Journal Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Session Organizer and Chair
- INFORMS Health Care Conference, Cambridge MA, 2019
- INFORMS Health Care Conference, Rotterdam, 2017
- INFORMS Health Care Conference, Chicago, 2013
- INFORMS Annual Conference, Phoenix Arizona, 2012
- POMS Annual Conference, Chicago, 2011
- POMS Annual Conference, Vancouver, 2010
- Annual Conference of ORAHS 2008, Toronto
- Annual Conference of CORS 2008, Quebec City
- INFORMS Annual Conference 2007, Seattle
- European Conference on Operational Research EURO XXII, 2007
Professional Memberships
- Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
- Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)