Wenjue Knutsen
Adjunct Associate ProfessorOverview
Professor Wenjue L. Knutsen is one of Canada’s leading academics who studies nonprofit organizations and public policy. She is jointly appointed in three departments at Queen’s: the Smith School of Business, the Faculty of Health Sciences – School of Nursing, and the School of Policy Studies. She holds a doctorate (PhD) in public administration from one of the leading public administration programs in the United States, the Reubin O’D. Askew School of Public Administration and Policy at Florida State University. She also holds a Masters in Public Administration (M.P.A.) from Wayne State University.
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- Organizational Behaviour
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- Government & Policy
- Healthcare
- Leadership & Teams
- Management
Faculty Details
Full Bio
Professor Wenjue L. Knutsen is one of Canada’s leading academics who studies nonprofit organizations and public policy. She is jointly appointed in three departments at Queen’s: the Smith School of Business, the Faculty of Health Sciences – School of Nursing, and the School of Policy Studies. She holds a doctorate (PhD) in public administration from one of the leading public administration programs in the United States, the Reubin O’D. Askew School of Public Administration and Policy at Florida State University. She also holds a Masters in Public Administration (M.P.A.) from Wayne State University.
Professor Knutsen’s research spans issues of management, health care, public policy, and public administration, all in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. She has studied issues about government-nonprofit collaboration, as well as the effectiveness of applying business managerial strategies in the nonprofit sector. She is currently studying how to lead social change through business means and how to address the lack of financial independence of the social sector through social innovations. Her research implicates issues with social enterprises, social finance, social enterprise ethics, and social enterprise legal structures.
Professor Knutsen is a co-editor of the country’s leading nonprofit management textbook: Management of Nonprofit and Charitable Organizations in Canada (5th edition). Her work has appeared in top academic journals such as Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly and Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, as well as in books and journals published around the world. She is also currently an editorial board member for Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. She has presented her academic work throughout Canada, the United States, Europe, Israel and China.
She was awarded the Felice Davidson Perlmutter Award in 2016 for her research contributions by the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, America’s leading academic organization for nonprofit scholars.
Professor Knutsen is frequently invited by media, government, and industry to provide her perspectives about nonprofit organizations, whether in the news or at an event or conference.
Academic Degrees
Doctorate in Public Administration (PhD)
Florida State University, Reubin O’D. Askew School of Public Administration and Policy (2008)
Masters in Public Administration (M.P.A.)
Wayne State University, Department of Political Science (2005)
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen's University
Associate Professor (contract) (2009 - Present)
School of Policy Studies, Queen’s University
Associate Professor (contract) (2009 - Present)
Post-Doctoral Research Associate (2008-2009)
Academic Journals
Searing, E., Lall, S., Knutsen, W., Mazzei, M., & Andersson, FO. (2023). Voluntas Virtual Issue: Social Enterprise. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 1-3.
Knutsen, W. L. (2017). Retaining the benefits of government-nonprofit contracting relationship: opposites attract or clash? Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations.
Knutsen, W. L. (2016). External perception matters: the phenomenon of identity coupling in interorganizational relations. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 28, 4, 1762-1784.
Knutsen, W. L. (2016). Nonprofit sector is dead, long live the nonprofit sector. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 27, 4, 1562-1584.
Knutsen, W. L. and Brock, K. (2014). Introductory essay: from a closed system to an open system: a parallel critical review of the intellectual trajectories of publicness and nonprofitness. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 25, 5, 1113-1131.
Knutsen, W. L. and Chan, Y. (2014). The phenomenon of staff volunteering: How far can you stretch the psychological contract in a nonprofit organization? Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 26, 3, 962-983.
Knutsen, W. L. (2013) Value as a self-sustaining mechanism: Why some nonprofit organizations are different from and similar to private and public organizations. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 42, 5, 985-1005.
Knutsen, W. L. (2012). Adapted institutional logics of contemporary nonprofit organizations. Administration & Society, 44, 8, 985-1013.
Knutsen, W. L. (2012). An institutional account of China’s HIV/AIDS policy progress from 19852010. Politics & Policy, 40, 1, 161-192.
Knutsen, W. L., & Brower, R. (2010). Managing expressive and instrumental accountabilities in nonprofit and voluntary organizations: A qualitative investigation. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 39, 4: 588-610.
Carr, J., Bae, S., & Lu, W.∗ (2007). City-county government and promises of economic development: A tale of two cities. State and Local Government Review, 38, 3: 131-141.
Professional Journals
Knutsen, W. L. (2021). Worried about your charity? Why WE Charity’s practice is atypical? The Philanthropist Journal, August 20, 2021. Accessed at: https://thephilanthropist.ca/2021/08/worried-about-your-charity-why-we-charitys-practice-is-atypical/
Knutsen, W. L. (2019). Social Impact Bond: Unlocked Potential to Transform How We Fund Social Services. Canadian Government Executive, 25, 03, 12-17.
Works in Progress
Knutsen, W. L. Lessons from a Chinese Church: Promote Inclusivity Through Pluralistic Values.
Knutsen, W. L. Social Enterprise Legal Structures: Perspectives on Accountability, Transparency, and Governance.
Knutsen, W. L. The Brave New Ethical Challenge: How to Lead Social Changes Through Business Means.
Knutsen, W. L. Oversimplified Ideological Debates on Healthcare Reform are Senseless.
Seel, Keith, & Knutsen, W. L., eds. 5th edition. Management of Nonprofit and Charitable Organizations in Canada. LexisNexis. (forthcoming).
Book Chapters
Knutsen, W. L. Hybrid Organizations. In Kearns, K. P., & Wang, W. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Nonprofit Management, Leadership and Governance. Edward Elgar Publishing (UK) (forthcoming).
Seel, Keith, Knutsen, Wenjue, & Murray, V. Introduction: What is Special About Managing Nonprofit Organizations? In Seel, Keith, & Knutsen, W. L. 5th edition. Management of Nonprofit and Charitable Organizations in Canada. LexisNexis (forthcoming).
Knutsen, W. L. Incorporating and Managing a Social Enterprises in Canada. In Seel, Keith, & Knutsen, W. L., eds. 5th edition. Management of Nonprofit and Charitable Organizations in Canada. LexisNexis (forthcoming).
Knutsen, W. L. Invited Bibliography. The AIDS, SARS and COVID Issues. Oxford Bibliographies (forthcoming).
Knutsen, W. L. (2013). A Chinese-Styled AIDS Exceptionalist Paradigm: Reflection on China’s Recent HIV/AIDS Policy Reform. Global HIV/AIDS Politics, Policy and Activism: Persistent Challenges and Emerging Issues. Praeger Publishers.
Media Appearances
Aarts, D. & Knutsen, W. L. (2023). Can Investing Drive Social Impact? In Smith Business Insight. (February 21) Online: https://smith.queensu.ca/insight/content/Can-Investing-Drive-Social-Impact.php [a different version of this article has also appeared in Global Voice #25]
Global News (Feb. 10, 2022): Crowdfunding campaign helps Queen’s University international student pay off 4th year tuition: talked about why Canadians may have felt inspired to donate to the international student’s crowdfunding campaign for tuition.
Smith School of Business
Commerce Program (B.Comm.):
- Leadership
- Organizational Behaviour
- Human Resources Management
- Organizational Behaviour for Arts & Science students
Faculty of Health Sciences – School of Nursing
Masters of Science in Healthcare Quality Program (MScHQ):
- Organizational Behaviour in Healthcare
School of Policy Studies
Masters of Public Administration Program (M.P.A):
- Management in the Public Sector
- Principles of Management
- Public Policy and the Third Sector: Nonprofit Management
Graduate Student Supervision
Yuan Li, (PhD candidate). PhD Defense Examiner. 2022. Doctoral Thesis: Relational Geographies of Community Care of Older People in Urban Beijing, China.
Hyo Park, (MPA student). Supervisor. Summer 2017. Master’s Research Project: “A Case Study On the Long-Term Care Program for Adults with Developmental Challenges.”
Eruani Zainuddin, (PhD in Information System Management). Member of Dissertation Proposal Committee. “Information System (IS) Workarounds in Organizations: Taxonomy, Instrument for Measurement & Antecedents.” Smith School of Business, Queen’s University.
Melinie Currie, (Masters of Science in Healthcare Quality). Supervisor. Summer 2016, Master’s Research Project: “Exploring the Perceived Barriers of Patients with Low Socio-Economic Status When Communicating with their Physician.” School of Nursing, Queen’s University
Tahreem Raza, (Masters in Industrial Relations). Winter - Summer 2011, Master’s Research Project: “Adapting to New Public Management - A Non-Profit Organization’s Challenge.”
Kyle Dolezal, (M.P.A.) Winter 2011, Directed Reading Essay: “Identifying the Impacts of New Public Management on Nonprofit Sector Stakeholders.”
Academic Conference Presentations
Knutsen, W. L. (2016, November). “The Role of Sensemaking in Reconciling Institutional Pluralism in Hybrid Organizations.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Actions (ARNOVA), Washington, DC.
Knutsen, W. L. (2015, November). “The Role of Narratives in Reconciling Institutional Pluralism in Hybrid Organizations: Lessons from A Chinese Baptist Church.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Actions (ARNOVA), Chicago, IL.
Knutsen, W. L. (December 2014). Invited and funded conference participant: “An International Conference: On the Role of Community Organizations in Population Health.” At Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, China. Paper presented: “Nonprofit-Government Contracting Relationship: Opposites Attract or Conflict?”
Knutsen, W. L. (June 2014). Invited and funded workshop participant: “The Role of Cross-Sector Partnerships in Strengthening Civil Society in Canada and Israel: Examining Collaborations Among Government, For-Profit, Nonprofit, and Philanthropic Actors,” The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel. Paper to be presented: “Sustainability of nonprofit-government relationship: competing institutional logics and resource dependency.”
Knutsen, W. L. and Van Til, J. (2014, November). “The End of Borrowed Time: Our Field Needs A Concept and A Base.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Actions (ARNOVA), Denver, CO.
Knutsen, W. L. (2014, November). “The Non-Profit Sector is Dead, Long Live the Non-Profit Sector!” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Actions (ARNOVA), Denver, CO.
Knutsen, W. L. (2014, May). “Sustainability of Nonprofit-Government Relationship: Conflicting Organizational Dynamics and Resource Dependency.” Paper presented at the Third Annual Research Conference of Canadian Association of Program in Public Administration, May 21-22, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
Knutsen, W. L. (March 18, 2013). invited panel discussant. New Ideas for the Sector: Insights from North America and Europe Symposium. Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University.
Knutsen, W. L. (2013, November). “Nonprofit Sector is Dead, Long Live the Nonprofit Sector!” Paper presented at the annual conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Actions (ARNOVA), Hartford, Connecticut.
Knutsen, W. L. (2012, October). “An ‘Undead’ Sector: Nonprofit Sector is Dead, Long Live the Nonprofit Sector!” Paper presented at the workshop – Theoretical Variations for Voluntary Sector Organizing: Topping off Old Bottles with New Wine, October 19-20, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
Knutsen, W. L. (2012, October). “A Chinese-styled AIDS Exceptionalist Paradigm: Reflection on China’s Recent HIV/AIDS Policy Reform.” Paper presented by Dan Allman (University of Toronto) on behalf of Wenjue Knutsen. Teasdale-Corti Symposium: “Innovation in Global Health Research – Global Social Justice and the Social Determinants of Health: Setting the Course for the Future.” Global Health Research Initiative, October 1-3, Ottawa, Canada.
Knutsen, W. L. and Yang, Seung-Bum. (2012, March). Exploring “Nonprofitness:” The Continuum between Formal and De Facto Hybrid Nonprofit Organizations. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), Las Vegas, Unites States.
Knutsen, W. L. and Chan, Yolande. (2011, November). Beyond volunteering: “Circumstantial volunteering” in nonprofit organizations. Paper presented at the annual conference of Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Actions (ARNOVA), Toronto, Canada.
Knutsen, W. L. (2011, June) Organizational identity coupling as a means for cooperative inter-organizational relationship. Conference on Coordination Within and Among Organizations, June 13-14, 2011, Paris, France, sponsored by HEC Paris, Organization and Management Theory Division, and Administrative Science Quarterly.
Knutsen, W. L., Flanagan, W., Calzavara, L., & Li, A. (2010, July). Human rights in law and practice: An analysis of China’s HIV/AIDS laws. Poster presentation presented at XVIII International AIDS Conference. Vienna, Austria.
Li, A, Xue, Y., Calzavara, L., Kang, L, Knutsen, W. L., Zhu, X., Myers, T., Ren, J. & the Canada-China Team. (2010, July). Key barriers, opportunities and strategies in addressing health care access challenges for people with HIV/AIDS (PHAs) in Shanghai, China. Poster presentation presented at XVIII International AIDS Conference, Vienna, Austria.
Knutsen, W. L. (2009, August). The interdependence of expressive and instrumental activities in nonprofit and voluntary organizations. Paper presented at Academy of Management annual meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
Knutsen, W. L. (2009, September). Resistance and radical shift: An institutional account of China’s HIV/AIDS policy process from 1985-2009. Paper presented at American Political Science Association annual meeting, Toronto, Canada.
Knutsen, W. L. (2009, November). Nonprofit identity crisis in contexts: The pursuit of a third sector and its impossibility. Paper presented at Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action annual meeting, Cleveland, Ohio.
Knutsen, W. L., & Brower, R. (2009, March) (co-presenter). What are expressive and instrumental dimensions: An empirical study of nonprofit organizations. Paper presented at American Society of Public Administration annual conference, Miami, Florida.
Knutsen, W. L. (2009, March). The interdependence of expressive and instrumental activities in nonprofit and voluntary organizations. Public Lecture at Policy Speaker Series, School of Policy Studies, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario.
Knutsen, W. L., & Brower, R. (2008, October). Adaptability: Managing the expressive accountability and instrumental accountability in nonprofit organizations. Paper presented at Symposium: Accountability and Performance Measurement in the Hollow State: A Reflective Dialogue on Promises, Pitfalls and Pioneering Efforts, sponsored by American Society of Public Administration (ASPA) and Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Actions (ARNOVA), Cleveland, Ohio.
Knutsen, W. L., & Brower, R. (2008, November). Adapted origin of nonprofit and voluntary organizations. Paper presented at The Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action annual meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Knutsen, W. L. (2008, September). Transforming institutions with HIV/AIDS: The wrestling of laws with norms: Lessons learned from China. Round-Table Discussion: The Centre for the Study of Democracy at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario.
Lu, W. (2006). The socially constructed policy: Power, power transformation, and strategies. Paper presented at Southeast Evaluation Association (Policy Evaluation) annual meeting, Tallahassee, Florida.
Lu, W. (2005). Divided, we stand: A cultural perspective on urban sprawl. Paper presented at Urban Affairs Association annual meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Lu, W. (2005). Who are the winners: The haves or the have-nots? A ten year period regressivity analysis of Michigan’s Proposal A. Paper presented at the American Society of Public Administration annual meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Clingermayer, J., Feiock, R., Hicks-Kopp, M. & Lu, W. (2004). City managers as residual claimants on local government performance. Paper presented at the Southeast Conference on Public Administration annual meeting. Athens, Georgia. (assisted with research analysis)
Carr, J., & Lu. W. (2004). Benefits in the absence of pain? The fiscal effects of rejecting reform. Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association annual meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
Carr, J. & Lu, W. (2004). Rejecting city-county consolidation: Back to the status quo or the beginning of something new? Paper presented at the Florida Political Science Association annual meeting. Gainesville, Florida.
Carr, J., Feiock, R., Bae, S., & Lu, W. (2003). Does governmental consolidation change economic fortunes? Evidence from twelve communities. Paper presented at the Urban Affairs Association annual meeting, Cleveland, Ohio.
Professional & Industry Presentations
Knutsen, W. L. (March 2023). “The Brave New Ethical Challenges: How to Lead Social Changes Through Business Means?” Keynote speaker. Academic Conference of the Social Science Students’ Council, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada.
Knutsen, W. L. (November 2020), “How to lead organizational changes in non-profit organizations,” to Cooperation Canada.
Knutsen, W. L. (2016). “Nuts and Bolts of Board Governance” to Habitat for Humanity Kingston.
Knutsen, W. L. (2011, March). “Enterprising Nonprofits and Managing the Double-Bottom Line.” 2011 Knowledge Impact in Society (KIS) Showcase - New Horizons in Rural Economic Development. The Monieson Center, Queen’s School of Business, Kingston, Ontario.
Grants & Funding
Smith School of Business, General Research Grant: “Hybrid Organizations” $4,350, Oct. 31, 2020.
SSHRC Institutional Grant: “Pursuing Social Goods with For-Profit Activities: Values’ Role in Social Enterprises.” $2,500, January 1, 2019
Knutsen, W. L. Principal applicant with co-applicants: Agnes Meinhard, Ryerson University and Michal Almog-Bar, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), July, 2016, Workshop entitled: “Living In A World of Blurring Boundaries: An International Workshop on Organizational Hybridity, Cross-Sectoral Relationship, and Network Governance.” Funded amount: $ 20,950.
Queen’s University Fund for Scholarly Research and Creative Work and Professional Development:
- $5,000 (May 2016)
- $5,000 (May 2014)
Smith School of Business, DI McLeod Summer Research Assistantship. $1,400 (Summer 2016)
Knutsen, W. L. Principal and sole applicant. Workshop: “Theoretical Variations for Voluntary Sector Organizing: Topping off Old Bottles with New Wine” $24,103, from Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), July 2011.
Wenjue L. Knutsen and Yolande Chan. Exploring How Nonprofit Organizations Establish Social Enterprise. (2011) The Monieson Centre, Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s University, and Prince Edward County Community Care for Seniors Association, Ontario, Canada. $10,000
Wenjue L. Knutsen. (2011) Cohesion or Dilution: The Role of Ethno-Specific Organizations in a Canadian Context. Queen’s University Fund for Scholarly Research and Creative Work and Professional Development
- Total Amount: $6,700
Wenjue L. Knutsen. Cohesion or Dilution: The Role of Ethno-Specific Organizations in a Canadian Context. D. I. McLeod Summer Research Assistantship, Queen’s School of Business
- $1,900 (2010), $2,368 (2011)
Faculty Development Fund, Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s University:
- $1,638 (May 2011); $822 (May 2010); $1,630 (June 2009); $1,050 (October 2008)
General Research Grant, Queen's School of Business, Queen’s University:
- $2,848.24 (October, 2015; $3,000 (October, 2014; $4,335.50 (October, 2013; $747.32 (February, 2012)
Travel Award for Researchers, Queen’s University:
- $500 (September 2011; $1,000 (April 2011; $400 (May 2010); $1,000 (September 2009; $750 (October 2008)
Academic Honours
Inaugural Felice Davidson Perlmutter Award for Expanding Theory, Issues, and Boundaries (2016). The Theory, Issues, and Boundaries Section (TIBS) of the Association For Research On Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, Washington, DC.
Emerging Scholar Award (2008), Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Actions (ARNOVA), $1,750
Ruth “Sweetie” Cox Dissertation Award for Best Dissertation (2007), Reubin O’D Askew School of Public Administration and Policy, Florida State University, $1,500
Askew School Chair Research Fellow (2005-2006), Reubin O’D Askew School of Public Administration and Policy, Florida State University, $35,000 (tuition and stipend)
DeVoe Moore Center Research Fellow (2004-2005), Reubin O’D Askew School of Public Administration and Policy, Florida State University, $30,000 (tuition and stipend)
Research assistantship (2003-2004), Dr. Jered Carr, Department of Political Science, Wayne State University, $30,000 (tuition and stipend)
Thomas C. Rumble Fellow (2002-2003), Wayne State University, $35,000 (tuition and stipend)
National Honor Society for Public Affairs and Administration: Pi Alpha Alpha (2001)
Top Honors Graduate Award (2000), Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China
Zhu Jingwen Scholarship (2000), Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China
Bronze Medal for Best Paper, College of Economics, Law, and Politics (1999), College of Economics, Law, and Politics, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China
University, Professional and Public Service
University Service
Chair, Modified Appointments Committee. School of Policy Studies, Winter 2023.
Primary Coach for MPA students: CAPPA (Canadian Association of Programs in Public Administration)’s National Policy Case Competition. 2021-2022.
UREB (School of Business Unit Research Ethics Board) Committee Chair/Member: Fall 2019 to March 2020, and present.
Academic Integrity Panel, Smith School of Business: Fall 2019 to March 2020.
Admission Committee Member: School of Policy Studies, Queen’s University, 2017- present
Academic Lead, Fudan University Exchange Program, Policy Studies, Queen’s University, 2016 - present.
Judge for Voluntary Sector Reporting Awards 2012, CA-Queen’s Centre for Governance, Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s University.
Member, steering committee for Queen’s Masters of Science in Health Care Quality (interdisciplinary professional degree about patient safety)
Coordinator, (2011-2012). Nonprofit Sector Concentration, Graduate Program, School of Policy Studies, Queen’s University.
Member (2011-2012), Curriculum Review Committee at the MPA program of School of Policy Studies.
Invited Speaker. 2009. Adventures in Teaching: Learning Beyond Memorization. Centre for Teaching and Learning, Queen’s University, December 8.
Head, Publication Unit, Promoting books published. School of Policy Studies, Queen’s University.
Professional Service
Secretary (elected), 2014-2016. Theories, Issues, and Boundaries Section (TIBS) of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA).
Member, 2014-2015, Conference Planning Committee, for Association for Research of Nonprofit and Voluntary Actions (ARNOVA) Conference.
Co-Chair, 2014-2015, Conference Track – “Evolving Sectoral Relationships: Global & Local View,” for Association for Research of Nonprofit and Voluntary Actions (ARNOVA) Conference.
Program Committee Member for Association for Research of Nonprofit and Voluntary Actions (ARNOVA), 2014 Conference.
Executive Committee Member (elected), 2013-2014, Theories, Issues, and Boundaries Section (TIBS) of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA).
Secretary (elected), 2014-2016. Theories, Issues, and Boundaries Section (TIBS) of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA).
Committee Member, International Task Force, Organization and Management Theory Division (OMT), Academy of Management (AoM). (2010-2011)
Organizer, Professional Development Workshop at Academy of Management annual meeting: “International Variations of Nonprofit Scholarship” (August 6-10, 2010). Participants included academics from Indiana University, University of Georgia, Florida State University, Université du Québec à Montréal, Ryerson University, Tsinghua University (Beijing, China), and China Association for NGO Cooperation.
Liaison Officer for the Academy of Management’s Public and Nonprofit Division to ARNOVA (Association for Research on Nonprofit Organization and Voluntary Action). (2009-2010).
Peer reviewer for conference papers, Academy of Management’s Organizational Behavior and Public and Nonprofit Divisions, Annual Conferences 2008, 2009, 2010. Administrative Science Association of Canada, 2009.
Public Service
Member-at-Large. Chinese Canadian Association of Kingston and District: 2019 to present.
Board Member. Chinese Canadian Association of Kingston and District: from 2015 to 2019
Board Member. Limestone Learning Foundation, the Limestone District School Board: from 2018-2019
Invited Discussant (August, 2016, January 2017). Workforce Development & In-Migration Strategy. City of Kingston.
Knutsen, W. L. (March 18, 2013). Invited panel discussant. New Ideas for the Sector: Insights from North America and Europe Symposium. Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University.
Editorial Board Membership
Editorial Board Member: Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations (January 2020 to present).
Peer Reviewer for Academic Journals
- Journal of Business Ethics
- Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations
- International Human Resource Management
- Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society
- Voluntary Sector Review
- Administration & Society
- Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
- International Review of Public Administration
- Evaluation and Program Planning
- Critical Sociology
- Public Management Review
Consulting Experience
Academic and Cultural Consultant for establishing the International Dual Master’s Degree Program in Law between Fudan Law School, Fudan University, Shanghai, China and Queen’s Law School, Queen’s University. Ontario, Canada, 2019
Academic Reviewer for a proposed Bachelor of Nonprofit Management at George Brown College, Ontario, Canada, 2017
Research Project Consultant –Prevention, Care and Support for Vulnerable Populations at Risk for HIV/STI in Shanghai, China. (August 2007 - 2010)