Scott Carson
Professor EmeritusOverview
A. Scott Carson is an emeritus professor at Smith School of Business, Queen’s University, where he specializes in governance and strategy. He is formerly the Stauffer-Dunning Chair of Policy Studies and an executive director of the Queen's School of Policy Studies. Carson’s career has combined business, government and academe. He is a graduate of Mount Allison University (B.Com.) and Dalhousie University (B.Ed., MA), and he received his PhD in education from the University College London (UK).
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- Strategy and Organizations
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- Ethics
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- Healthcare
Faculty Details
Full Bio
A. Scott Carson is an emeritus professor at Smith School of Business, Queen’s University, specializing in governance and strategy. He was formerly the Stauffer-Dunning Chair of Policy Studies and an executive director of the Queen's School of Policy Studies.
Professor Carson’s career has combined business, government and academe. He was the head of corporate finance for a major Canadian bank, CEO of an Ontario government secretariat, and dean of two Canadian university business schools. Carson is a former chair of the board of Kingston General Hospital, chair of the Greater Kitchener Waterloo Chamber of Commerce, vice-chair of the Halifax Stanfield International Airport Authority, chair of the Canadian Federation of Business School Deans, chair (acting) of the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, and a director of the Economical Insurance Group where he chaired its governance committee. Carson has also been a member of many other corporate and not-for-profit boards.
He is a graduate of Mount Allison and Dalhousie universities, and received his PhD from University College London (UK).
Dr. Carson is the co-editor of three recent books on Canadian healthcare governance published by McGill-Queen's University Press: Toward a Healthcare Strategy for Canadians (with J. Dixon and K. R, Nossal, 2015), Managing a Canadian Healthcare Strategy (with K. R. Nossal, 2016) and A Canadian Healthcare Innovation Agenda: Policy, Governance and Strategy (with K. R. Nossal, 2018).
Academic Degrees
PhD Education
University of London (1980)
MA Education
School of Education, Dalhousie University (1974)
BEd Economics
School of Education, Dalhousie University (1973)
BCom Economics
Joyce Centre for Business Studies, Mount Allison University (1971)
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen’s University
Professor Emeritus (2021 - Present)
Director, Monieson Centre for Business Research in Healthcare (2011-2015)
Strategy Area Coordinator (2009-2012)
Director, Queen’s MBA Program (2007-2011)
Professor, Strategy & Organization (2006-2020)
Queen’s School of Policy Studies, Queen’s University
Executive Director (2015-2016)
Stauffer-Dunning Chair of Policy Studies (2015-2016)
Lazaridis School of Business & Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University
Dean/Professor of Business Policy (1996-2006)
Sobey School of Business, Saint Mary’s University
Dean/Professor of Management (1993-1996)
Faculty of Education, Queen’s University
Assistant Professor (1982-1984)
UCL Institute of Education, University of London
Seminar Tutor (1975-1978)
Carson, A. Scott, and Kim Richard Nossal, eds. 2018. A Canadian Healthcare Innovation Agenda: Policy, Governance, and Strategy. Queen’s Policy Studies Series. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. xxvi, 249.
Carson, A. Scott, and Kim Richard Nossal, eds. 2016. Managing a Canadian Healthcare Strategy. Queen’s Policy Studies Series. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. xiii, 284.
*The Hill Times Best 100 Canadian Political Books of 2016.
Carson, A. Scott, Jeffrey Dixon, and Kim Richard Nossal, eds. 2015. Toward a Healthcare Strategy for Canadians. Queen’s Policy Studies Series. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. xv, 276.
*The Hill Times Best 100 Canadian Political Books of 2015.
Carson, A. Scott, Mark Baetz, and Shelley McGill. 2008. Codes of Conduct in the Private Sector: Review of the Academic Literature from 1987 to 2007. Toronto, Ontario: Canadian Centre for Ethics & Corporate Policy.
Articles and Chapters
2020. “Good Faith and Trustworthiness in University Governance”. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 54: 4, in press: On-line version (June 15, 2020): https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9752.12434
2018. “The Canadian Agenda for Healthcare Innovation.” In A Canadian Healthcare Innovation Agenda: Policy, Governance, and Strategy, edited by A. Scott Carson and Kim Richard Nossal, 3–20. Queen’s Policy Studies Series. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
2018. “Reflections on the Naylor Report 2015: Fund, Agency and Governance.” In A Canadian Healthcare Innovation Agenda: Policy, Governance, and Strategy, edited by A. Scott Carson and Kim Richard Nossal, 43–64. Queen’s Policy Studies Series. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Carson, A. Scott, Erica J. Yonge, and Jeffrey A. Dixon. 2016. “Atikokan in Crisis: A Community Strategic Decision.” Journal of Case Research and Inquiry 2 (December): 53–82. http://jcri.org/JCRI_VOLUME_2_DEC_23_2016.pdf
2016. “Managing a Canadian Healthcare Strategy: An Introduction.” In Managing a Canadian Healthcare Strategy, edited by A. Scott Carson and Kim Richard Nossal, 1–16. Queen’s Policy Studies Series. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
2016. “The Role of the Private Sector in Canadian Healthcare: Accountability, Strategic Alliances, and Governance.” In Managing a Canadian Healthcare Strategy, edited by A. Scott Carson and Kim Richard Nossal, 155–181. Queen’s Policy Studies Series. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
2015. “Why Canada Needs a Healthcare Strategy.” In Toward a Healthcare Strategy for Canadians, edited by A. Scott Carson, Jeffrey Dixon, and Kim Richard Nossal, 11–37. Queen’s Policy Studies Series. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
2015. “If Canada Had a System-Wide Healthcare Strategy, What Form Could it Take?” In Toward a Healthcare Strategy for Canadians, edited by A. Scott Carson, Jeffrey Dixon, and Kim Richard Nossal, 255–276. Queen’s Policy Studies Series. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
2013. “A Framework for Business Ethics Education.” Journal of Business Ethics Education 10: 185–210.
2013. “The Remote Rural Broadband Deficit in Canada.” Journal of Rural and Community Development 8, 2: 1–6.
Ashton, William, and A. Scott Carson, eds. 2013. Journal of Rural and Community Development – Special Edition: The Remote Rural Broadband Deficit in Canada 8, 2. https://journals.brandonu.ca/jrcd/issue/view/20
2010. “Environmental Legislation and Harms to Remote Resource-Based Communities: The Case of Atikokan Ontario.” Business and Society Review 115, 4: 437–467. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8594.2010.00371.x
2007. “3 Ps for P3s: 3 Principles for Successful Public-Private Partnerships.” Summit: Canada’s Magazine on Public Sector Purchasing. (September): 2–17. (Not refereed. By invitation from the editor.)
2007. “Should a For-Profit Corporation own and Operate a University?” Philosophy of Management 6, 1: 17–34.
2004. “What a Financing Scandal in a Canadian City Can Teach us about Ethical Conduct in Government/Business Relations.” International Business and Economics Research Journal 3, 5 (May): 55–67. Doi: https://doi.org/10.19030/iber.v3i5.3692
1999. “Emberley on Hot Button Politics in Canada’s Universities: A Critique (Special Feature).” Canadian Journal of Higher Education 29, 3: 175–200.
1998. “Vulture Investors, Predators of the 90s: An Ethical Examination.” Journal of Business Ethics, 17: 543-555. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1005718715162
1998. “What are the University’s Obligations in the New Economy?” In The Ethics of the New Economy: Restructuring and Beyond, edited by Leo Groarke, 6–23. Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
1997. “Creativity, Management Education and the Business Community.” In Innovation and Management: Recent Research on Generating New Ideas, edited by K. Friedman, 85–107. Brussels, Belgium: European Foundation for Management Development.
1995/96. “The Nature of a Moral Business Person.” Review of Business 17, 2 (Winter): 16–22.
1995. “Drug Testing and Privacy: Why Contract Arguments Do Not Work.” Business & Professional Ethics Journal 14, 4 (Winter): 3–22. www.jstor.org/stable/27800984
1994. “Good Moral Character, Ethics and the Role of the Business School.” In Organizational Behaviour: The Ethical Challenge, edited by Yasin Sankar, 787–809. Toronto, Ontario: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
1984. “Control of the Curriculum: A Case for Teachers.” Journal of Curriculum Studies 16, 1: 19–28. https://doi.org/10.1080/0022027840160104
1984. “Education and Schooling.” (with response by J. Wilson). International Review of Education 30, 1: 41–55 https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00598017
1983. “Education and the Concept of Ideology.” New Education: An International Journal of Educational Theory and Practice 5, 2: 15–23.
1982. “Epistemic Authority: A Reply to Suzanne de Castell.” Journal of Educational Thought 16, 2: 116–119. https://doi.org/10.11575/jet.v16i2
1982. “Two Problems of Educational Theory.” In Philosophy of Education: Canadian Perspectives, edited by Donald Cochrane and Martin Schiralli, 35–46. Toronto, Ontario: Collier Macmillan.
1981. “Community Participation and Curriculum Decisions.” Educational Philosophy and Theory 13, 1: 39–53. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-5812.1981.tb00479.x
1980. “Two Problems of Educational Theory.” British Journal of Educational Studies 28, 1: 20–33. https://doi.org/10.1080/00071005.1980.9973558
1979. “Experts and Control of the Curriculum.” Journal of Educational Thought 13, 21: 129–139. https://doi.org/10.11575/jet.v13i2
1978. “John White on State Control of the Curriculum.” Journal of Philosophy of Education 12: 63–68. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9752.1978.tb00504.x
1973. “Evaluation: A Question of Objectives.” Social Studies Review 4, 8 (1973).
Encyclopedia Articles and Critical Reviews
2018. “Public-Private Partnership.” In The Sage Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society 2nd. ed., edited by Robert W. Kolb, 2829–2831. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi: 10.4135/9781483381503.n978
2018. “Chief Operating Officer (COO).” In The Sage Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society 2nd ed., edited by Robert W. Kolb, 441–444. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi:10.4135/9781483381503.n167
2018. “The Right to Health Care.” In The Sage Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society 2nd ed., edited by Robert W. Kolb, 1695–1698. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi:10.4135/9781483381503.n559
2018. “Privatization.” In The Sage Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society 2nd., edited by Robert W. Kolb, 2753–2757. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi:10.4135/9781483381503.n956
2013. “Ethics.” In Sociology of Work: An Encyclopedia, edited by Vickie Smith, 257–259. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications. doi: 10.4135/9781452276199.n98
2013. “Whistleblowing.” In Sociology of Work: An Encyclopedia, edited by Vickie Smith, 969–970. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications. doi: 10.4135/9781452276199.n340
2007. “Privatization.” In Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society, edited by Robert W. Kolb, 1679–1682. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications. doi: 10.4135/9781412956260.n650
2007. “Chief Operating Officer.” In Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society, edited by Robert W. Kolb, 295–298. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications. doi: 10.4135/9781412956260.n129
1982. Review of “Open Mindedness and Education,” by William Hare. Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review 21, 2: 394–397. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0012217300016607
1981. Review of Logical Self-Defense, by R.H. Johnson and J.A. Blair. Dialogue: Canadian Philosophical Review, 20, 2: 403–405. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0012217300023489
1981. Review of The Canadian Curriculum: A Personal View, by Robin Barrow. Alberta Journal of Educational Research 27, 2: 207–208.
1980. Review of Reasoning, by Michael Scriven. Informal Logic Newsletter 2, 2.
1980. Review of How to Win an Argument, by Michael Gilbert. McGill Journal of Education 15, 3: 332–333. <https://mje.mcgill.ca/article/view/7354/5293
White Papers, Webinars and Discussions in Professional Magazines
Webinar: Carson, Scott, Drummond, Don, Rochon, Mark and Philpott, Jane: After COVID: The Business of Healthcare. Smith School of Business, Queen’s University, Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2020. https://smith.queensu.ca/insight/content/beyond-covid-the-business-of-healthcare.php
Webinar: Carson, A. Scott, Wang, W, and Rowbotham, K. “CORONAVIRUS: How will it impact business in Canada? And what happens next?”, Smith School of Business, Queen’s University, Friday Mar 20, 2020 1:00 PM EDT. https://smith.queensu.ca/insight/content/coronavirus-how-will-it-impact-business-in-canada-and-what-happens-next.php.
Webinar: Carson, A. Scott, “Healthcare Innovation: The Case for a National Strategy”, with Neil Fraser. Smith School of Business, Queen’s University, June 20, 2018. https://smith.queensu.ca/insight/content/healthcare_innovation_the_case_for_a_national_strategy
“You Can’t Scale Healthcare Innovation On A Hope And A Prayer”, Interview, Smith Business Insight, June 25, 2018. https://smith.queensu.ca/insight/content/you_cant_scale_healthcare_innovation_on_a_hope_and_a_prayer.php
“Reflections on the Naylor Report 2015: Fund, Agency and Governance.” In Transforming Canadian Healthcare Through Innovation: The Agenda”, Conference White Paper. Published by Centre for Innovation in Healthcare Policy, Queen’s School of Policy Studies, June 2016.
“Role of the Private Sector in Canadian Healthcare: Accountability, Strategic Alliances and Governance.” In Managing a Canadian Healthcare Strategy, Conference White Papers (Toronto, Ontario, May 6–7, 2015). Published by The Monieson Centre for Business Research in Healthcare, Queen’s School of Business, May 2015. Web version: http://www.moniesonhealth.com/resources.html
“If Canada Had a System-Wide Healthcare Strategy, What Form Could it Take?” In Creating Strategic Change in Canadian Healthcare White Papers (Toronto, Ontario, May 8–9, 2014). Published by The Monieson Centre for Business Research in Healthcare, May 2014. https://smith.queensu.ca/insight/content/if_canada_had_a_system-wide_healthcare_strategy_what_form_could+it_take.php
“What is the Meaning of Strategy in the Context of Canadian Healthcare?” In Toward a Canadian Healthcare Strategy Conference. Published by The Monieson Centre for Business Research in Healthcare, Queen’s School of Business, June 2013.
“Governance and Strategy: Four Tests of Competence.” Boards. Governance Centre of Excellence, Ontario Hospital Association, November 2013.
“Webinar: What is Corporate Social Responsibility and Why Should You Care?” Queen’s School of Business, June 22, 2011.
“Why do Some Professors Think Business Ethics Education Isn’t Important?” Management Ethics (Spring 2010): 4–5.
“MBA: Path to Success.” India Abroad XXXVI, no. 25 (March 24, 2006): S10–12. (Transcribed interview, approx. 2860 words).
“Don’t Overlook the Undergrads: An Educator’s View.” Globe and Mail, March 7, 2006, p. E8.
“Canadian Business Education: A Commentary.” Management Ethics, Canadian Centre for Ethics & Corporate Policy (Summer 2003): 3.
“The Real Value of MBAs.” Letter to the Editor, Canadian Business, December 12, 1997, p. 9.
“Lowering the Voices of the Tone-Deaf.” Canadian Society for the Study of Education News 12, 5 (1980): 5–7.
Interviews Conducted
Dr. A. Scott Carson interviews Dr. Daniel Woolf, Principal, Queen's University, The Changing Higher Education Policy Landscape: Canada and the World. Queen's School of Policy Studies, May 11 2016.
Dr. A. Scott Carson interviews Mr. John Mundy, Former Canadian Ambassador to Iran, Re-engaging Iran. Queen's School of Policy Studies Interview, January 14, 2016.
Dr. A. Scott Carson interviews Mr. Victor Rabinovitch, President Emeritus of the Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation, Canada's Cultural Model: Challenge, Crisis and Change. Queen's School of Policy Studies Interview, January 8, 2016.
Dr. A. Scott Carson interviews Mr. Bob Watts, Former CEO, Assembly of First Nations, Canada at the Crossroads: Is Reconciliation the Answer? Queen's School of Policy Studies Interview, November 27, 2015.
Dr. A. Scott Carson interviews with Dr. Warren Mabee, Canada Research Chair in Renewable Energy Development and Implementation, Department of Geography and Urban Planning and School of Policy Studies, Queen's University, Moving to a Zero Carbon Economy: Opportunities for Canada. Queen's School of Policy Studies Interview. November 19, 2015.
Dr. A. Scott Carson interviews Mr. Don Drummond, Stauffer-Dunning Fellow of Policy Studies, Queen's University, Dear Minister, How Does Twenty More Years of Austerity Sound". Queen's School of Policy Studies Alumni Address, October 23, 2015.
Dr. A. Scott Carson: The Monieson Centre interview, Dr. Steve Hambleton (Australian Medical Association), Professor Mick Reid (Reid & Assoc.), Professor Justin Beilby (Univ. of Adelaide), Creating National Change in Healthcare: Lessons for Canada from Australia, The Monieson Centre for Business Research in Healthcare, Queen’s School of Business, October 9, 2014.
Dr. A. Scott Carson: The Monieson Centre interview, , The Monieson Centre for Business Research in Healthcare, Queen’s School of Business, Professor Dr. Norbert Schmacke (Institut für Public Health und Pflegeforschung, Germany), Professor Karsten Vrangbaek (University of Copenhagen, Denmark), Ms. Lena Hellberg (Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Government of Sweden), International Perspectives on Healthcare Strategies: Denmark, Sweden and Germany, The Monieson Centre for Business Research in Healthcare, Queen’s School of Business, October 9, 2014.
Dr. A. Scott Carson: The Monieson Centre Interview, Dr. Jonathan Kolstad, Assistant Professor of Healthcare Management, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, The Massachusetts Experience and The Affordable Care Act. The Monieson Centre for Business Research in Healthcare, Queen’s School of Business, March 28, 2014.
Dr. A. Scott Carson: The Monieson Centre interview, Dr. David Chan from the School of Medicine, Stanford University on Clock Out: Shift Work in the Emergency Department, The Monieson Centre for Business Research in Healthcare, Queen's School of Business on February 7, 2014.
Dr. A. Scott Carson: The Monieson Centre interview, Dr. Jason Abaluck, Assistant Professor of Economics, Yale School of Management on Negative Tests and the Efficiency of Medical Care: Investigating the Determinants of Imaging Overuse, The Monieson Centre for Business Research in Healthcare, Queen’s School of Business, November 22, 2013.
Dr. A. Scott Carson: The Monieson Centre interview, Dr. Joseph Doyle, Erwin H. Schell Professor of Management and Professor of Applied Economics, MIT Sloan School of Management on The Quality of Hospital Quality Measurement, The Monieson Centre for Business Research in Healthcare, Queen’s School of Business, November 15, 2013.
Dr. A. Scott Carson: The Monieson Centre interview, Dr. Ashley Swanson, Assistant Professor, Healthcare Management, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania on Prescriptive Drug Use Under Medicare Part D: What the Rational Model Misses, The Monieson Centre for Business Research in Healthcare, Queen’s School of Business, November 8, 2013.
In the Media
(Personal profile indicated by *)
Radio 680 News (Toronto), 660 News (Calgary), 570 News (Kitchener), 1130 News (Vancouver), Coronavirus: Way Ahead, March 28-29, 2020.
The Whig.com, KGH President, CEO announces resignation, April 15, 2015.
The Star.com, Toronto, SNC Lavalin Investors buy into review results, March 27, 2012.
Financial Post Magazine, Corporate accountability and ethics, Nov. 15, 2010.
NationalPost.com and Financial Post, Corporate social responsibility, Sept. 28, 2010.
National Post/Financial Post, Key MBA takeaways, Sept. 27, 2010. Also in LeaderPost.com and Canada.com.
Toronto Star, Toronto, When an MBA leads to a marriage contract, Sept. 9, 2010.
Montreal Gazette, Edmonton Journal, Calgary Herald, Vancouver Sun, Boycotting BP, June 7, 2010
Kingston Life Magazine, Winners in a tough economy, Nov. 5, 2009.
Business Week, Feature interview on the Queen’s MBA, 2009.
The Star.com, At Queen’s the MBA teams stay together, Sept. 10, 2009.
CBC Ottawa, Graduate school applications increase in a slow economy, March 2009.
Les Affairs magazine, Importance of international experience, March 2009 (trans. in French).
CBC Radio Canada International, Importance of international work experience, March 2009 (dubbed in Spanish).
Canadian Press, Graduate school applications, interview and quotes, January 14, 2009. Picked up by Toronto Sun, Sudbury Star, Prince George Citizen, New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal, St. Catharines Standard, London Free Press, Waterloo Region Record, North Bay Nugget, Trail Daily Times.
Financial Post Executive, Financial crisis holds big lessons for MBA students, interview and quotes, November 28, 2009.
The Star.com, Downturn jolts business classes, interview and quotes, November 1, 2008.
BNN Television, Panel interview on management education in the wake of the market meltdown, October 31, 2008.
BusinessWeek.com, Queen’s seeks team players, full length interview, June 5, 2008.
BNN Television, The culture of personality, feature interview on corporate culture, January 23, 2008.
CBC Radio interviews: Ottawa, Ontario Morning (Toronto), Sudbury, Winnipeg, Regina, Edmonton, Yellow Knife, Whitehorse, on the impact of the Lord Conrad Black verdict on future securities regulation in Canada, July 16, 2007.
CBC Radio, National News Special, Panel discussion of the trial verdict of Lord Conrad Black found guilty on charges of mail fraud and obstruction of justice in a Chicago court, July 13, 2007.
Rex Magazine, Waterloo Region and Guelph, Ont., Selling success, interview and quotes on story about Mary Bales, real estate agent and outstanding citizen, June-July 2006.
* The Record, Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge, Ont., WLU Dean of Business embarks on sabbatical, pp. E1, 2, story on accomplishments as dean, April 22, 2006.
The Record, Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge, Ont., Office resolutions, Dec. 31, 2004.
CKCO TV (CTV), Kitchener-Waterloo, Ont., Province-wide newsmagazine program, featured television guest interview on corporate governance and business ethics, Feb. 15, 2004.
The Record, Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge, Ont., Waterloo joins municipalities using utilities for quick cash, p. B3, interview on financing structure of Waterloo North Hydro, Feb. 13, 2004.
The Record, Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge, Ont., “Report offers great vision,” p. F1, interview dealing with Prosperity Council on economic vision for Waterloo Region, Jan. 7, 2004.
The Record, Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge, Ont., Minimum wage hits $7.15, headline story interview on increase in minimum wage in Canada, Dec. 2, 2003.
CKCO Television (CTV), Kitchener-Waterloo, Ont., Television interview concerning deregulation of undergraduate business program fees at Wilfrid Laurier University, July 9, 2003.
CKGL AM and CHYM FM Radio, Kitchener, Ont., Radio interview concerning deregulation of undergraduate business program fees at Wilfrid Laurier University, July 9, 2003.
The Record, Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge, Ont., “Can Entrepreneurship Be Taught?” p. F6, interview and photo concerning the Schlegel Centre For Entrepreneurship, August 24, 2002.
CKGL AM and CHYM FM Radio, Kitchener, Ont., Broadcast interview discussion on the selection of Clive Beddoe, Chairman, President and CEO, WestJet Airlines as the Laurier Outstanding Business Leader Award winner, July 30, 2002.
National Post, Toronto, Ont., “A joint venture with the Canadian association of supply chain and logistics management: managing the supply of skill managers,” p. JV1, October 31, 2001.
CKGL AM and CHYM FM Radio, Kitchener, Ont., Broadcast interview dealing with employees working from home and the use of technology, February 22, 2001.
Transportation & Logistics, “An educated move,” pp. 32–33, story describing partnership between Laurier and Canadian Association of Supply Chain & Logistics Management, November–December, 2000.
The Record, Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge, Ont., Three universities and a college are critical to technology sector’s success, p. K5, October 26, 2000.
The Record, Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge, Ont., WLU business kicks it up a tier, p. F1, article on high profile Dean’s Advisory Council, October 24, 2000.
Financial Post/National Post, Toronto, Ont., Problems facing CEOs not new, p. C3, article reporting on Laurier/National Post national CEO survey on corporate social responsibility, September 29, 2000.
CHQR Radio, Calgary, Radio interview concerning results of Wilfrid Laurier/National Post survey of 360 CEOs on corporate social responsibility, September 27, 2000.
CBC Radio, Quebec City, Radio interview concerning results of Wilfrid Laurier/National Post survey of 360 CEOs on corporate social responsibility, September 27, 2000.
Financial Post/National Post, Top workplace issue is improper sexual behaviour: study, pp. C1, C2, September 25, 2000.
CKGL AM & CHYM FM Radio, Interview concerning results of Wilfrid Laurier/National Post survey of 360 CEOs on corporate social responsibility, September 25, 2000.
Canadian Business, Feature article on student organization at Wilfrid Laurier, pp. 50 ff., September 25, 1998.
* The Record, Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge, Ont., WLU business dean will spend a year as CEO of government privatization, p. C2, September 1, 1998.
CKGL AM and CHYM FM Radio (Kitchener), Laurier Business enrolments and new initiatives, August 4, 1998.
* The Record, Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge, Ont., Business integrity requires skill, dean says, p. F2, story on a conference speech, May 29, 1998.
Canadian Business, letter to the editor on behalf of the Canadian Federation of Business School Deans regarding an article on MBA programs in Canada, November 24, 1997.
CKGL AM and CHYM FM Radio (Kitchener), Economic development in the Technology Triangle area, interview broadcast on CKGL AM and subsequently re-broadcast on CHYM FM, August 14, 1997.
Globe & Mail, Toronto, Ont., $36,000 proposed MBA tuition, January 16, 1997.
* The Record, Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge, Ont., Dean aims to sharpen business school’s focus, feature interview, December 7, 1996.
* Atlantic Progress Magazine, Going down the road, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 92–95, feature interview, September 1996.
The Vancouver Sun, UBC taking care of business school to help it thrive in fierce MBA market, September 23, 1996.
* The Record, Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge, Ont., On both sides of the fence, feature interview, September 17, 1996.
Chronicle-Herald, Halifax, N. S., Sir Izaak Walton Killam gets posthumous induction into Business Hall of Fame, April 30, 1996.
Daily News, Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia Business Hall of Fame press conference, April 17, 1996.
Chronicle-Herald, Halifax, N.S., Saint Mary’s wins doctoral program in business, April 5, 1996.
CBC Ottawa (radio), Distance education and MBAs, March 27, 1996.
Chronicle-Herald, Halifax, N.S., The Sobey food retailing empire, December 6, 1995.
Daily News, Nova Scotia, The privatization of water treatment facilities, November 1995.
Canadian Business Magazine, Toronto, Ont., Audio tape interview about business education with the Editor and Canadian business deans from Saint Mary’s, University of Toronto, University of Alberta, and the University of Montreal, for Air Canada and played on all domestic flights, September–November 1995.
Daily News, Nova Scotia, Business education, August 6, 1995.
Financial Post, Toronto, Ont., Business schools, programs and advisory boards, June 15, 1995.
* Business Voice, Halifax, N.S., Cover picture and full-length interview about Halifax G-7 Summit and the joint venture between business and government in planning for the event, March 1995.
MITV (Global Network), Televised interview about preparations for the Halifax, G-7 Summit, March 20, 1995.
Atlantic Progress Magazine, Halifax, N.S., Re-structuring business education programmes, January, 1995.
CBC Radio, Drug testing in the workplace: radio call-in show, September 1994.
Chronicle-Herald, Halifax, N.S., What business needs from business schools, June 7, 1994.
McLean’s Magazine, Toronto, N.S., Preparing for the new economy, June 27, 1994.
Chronicle-Herald, Halifax, N.S., Economic year in review, December 21, 1993.
Nova Scotia Business Journal, University business relations, October 1993.
MITV (Global Network), Televised interview about mega-projects and provincial investment, September 28, 1993.
Daily News, Nova Scotia, Business-university co-operation, August 19, 1993.
Financial Post, Toronto, Ont., Economy and corporate debt, June 18, 1991.
Globe & Mail, Toronto, Ont., Bank lending in the food processing industry, November 22, 1990.
Smith School of Business, Queen’s University (2006–2020)
- Business and Corporate Strategy
- Corporate Governance and Control
- Business and Ethics
- Organizational Governance and Strategy
- Consulting
- Corporate Social Responsibility: A Strategic Perspective
- Ethical Leadership and Decision Making
- History of Strategic Thought
- Fundamentals of Governance
- Corporate Social Responsibility
Lazaridis School of Business, Wilfrid Laurier University (1996–2006)
- Ethics and the Conduct of Business
- Ethics and the Conduct of Business
- Business Policy
- Strategic Management
Sobey School of Management, Saint Mary’s University (1993–1996)
- Ethics and the Conduct of Business
- Strategic Management
- Strategic Management
- International Ethics
Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto (Winter 1993)
- Corporate Finance
Faculty of Education, Queen’s University (1982–1984)
- Junior and Intermediate Social Studies Curriculum
- Problems in History and the Social Sciences
- Planning Teaching Strategy
- Issues in Education
- Ethics and Education
School of Education, Dalhousie University (Summer 1983)
- Ethics and Education
Faculty of Education, University of Alberta (1978–1981)
- History of Educational Thought
- Aims of Education
- Logic in Teaching
- Educational Ideas Through Literature
- Introduction to the Philosophy of Education
Theses and Major Research Projects
Supervisions and Examinations
Thesis Committee Member. Cassandra Kuyvenhoven, “Governing Canadian Waste and Recyclables Transportation,” PhD thesis, School of Environmental Studies, Queen’s University, September 2014 – Present.
Supervisor. Lauren DeVries, “The Role of the Private Sector in Canadian Healthcare,” Honours BA thesis, Global Development Studies, Queen’s University, September 2013–August 2014. (Completed)
Supervisor. Lauren DeVries, “Analyzing Expenditures in the Integrated Strategy on Healthy Living and Chronic Disease Using a Balance Scorecard Framework (2005-2010),” Queen’s University Undergraduate Summer Student Fellowship, May–September 2013. (Completed)
External Examiner. Carrie Hunter, “The Characteristics of Ways of Learning in the Pharmaceutical Sales Industry,” Thesis, M.Ed., Faculty of Education, Queen’s University, 2009. (Completed)
Supervisor. Dean Bulloch, “Corporate Social Responsibility Report and Proposal,” Major Research Project, MBA, Royal Roads University, 2008. (Completed)
Supervisor. Neil Perley, “An Alternate Banking and Credit Model for Lending to Aboriginal People on Reserves,” Major Research Project, MBA, Saint Mary’s University, 1995. (Completed)
Supervisor. Virginia Bennett, “Ethical issues in the Sale of Nuclear Technology by Atomic Energy Canada,” Major Research Project, MBA, Saint Mary’s University, 1995. (Completed)
Supervisor. Mary Tou, “An Investigation into the Nature of Bribery in International Business: Three Perspectives,” Major Research Project, MBA. Saint Mary’s University, 1995. (Completed)
Examination Administration
Chair, Doctoral Thesis Examination Board, Jared Houston, “Fair-Weather Liberalism: Institutional Preparedness for Severe Climate Change”, Department of Philosophy, Queen’s University, September 11, 2019.
Chair, Doctoral Thesis Examination Board. Joseph Hammond Stafford, “The Impact of Vatican II on Catholic Secondary Religious Education in the Province of Ontario,” Faculty of Education, Queen’s University, June 15, 2018.
Chair, Doctoral Thesis Examination Board. Heather Merla, “Art and Nature at the Court of Francesco I de’Medici: Coral, Rock Crystal, Lapis Lazuli and Shells,” Department of Art History, Queen’s University, January 19, 2018.
Chair, Doctoral Thesis Examination Board. Ryan McSheffrey, “A Restorative Theory of Criminal Justice,” Department of Philosophy, Queen’s University, October 7, 2016.
Chair, Doctoral Thesis Examination Board. Meagan Alexandria Carson Troop, “Creative Space: Teaching Higher Education: A Contemporary Curriculum Vision of Teaching,” Faculty of Education, Queen’s University, November 29, 2013.
Chair, Doctoral Thesis Examination Board. Scott Frederick Hughes, “Romancing Children into Delight: Promoting Children’s Happiness in the Early Primary Grades,” Faculty of Education, Queen’s University, July 26, 2013.
Chair, Doctoral Thesis Examination Board. Tou Wang, Essays on Decision With Information and Action Externalities, Department of Economics, Queen’s University, June, 20, 2012.
Chair, Doctoral Thesis Examination Board. April Girard-Brown, “Do Good Intentions Beget Good Policy? Two Steps Forward and One Step Back in the Construction of Domestic Violence in Ontario,” Department of Sociology, Queen’s University, 2012.
Visiting Positions
Visiting Scholar
Manning School of Business, Acadia University
Visiting Fellow
International Study Centre, Herstmonceux Castle, UK, Queen’s University
Visiting Professor
Smith School of Business, Queen’s University
Visiting Assistant Professor
School of Education, Dalhousie University
Visiting Asst. Professor
Department of Educational Fdns., University of Alberta
Papers Presented at Conferences and Symposia
“Merging Catholic and Secular Hospitals: Governance, Good Faith and Trust in Creating the Kingston Health Sciences Centre (Kingston, Ontario, Canada)”. Presented at the Australasian Business Ethics Network Conference, Melbourne, Australia, December 8-10, 2019.
“A Moral Paradox of University Governance: Good Faith and Trust”. Presented to the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain, London Branch, and University College London Centre for Philosophy of Education Research Seminar, April 24, 2019.
“Is There a Moral Justification for Say-on-Pay?”. Presented at the Australasian Business Ethics Network Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, December 9-11, 2018.
“Two Moral Paradoxes of University Governance”. Presented at the Australasian Business Ethics Network Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, December 9-11, 2018.
“Promoting the Public Interest Through Government-Business Collaborations: Conflicts, Ethics, and the Bicameral Governance Model.” Presentation at the Australasian Business Ethics Network Conference, Melbourne, Australia, December 10–12, 2017.
“Say on Pay: CEO Compensation, Governance, Morality and Democracy.” Presented at Timeliness and Timelessness - Corporate Governance and Regulatory Challenges after the Financial Crisis of 2007 - 2009 and Brexit. Liverpool UK: John Moores University, September 28, 2017.
“Say-on-Pay: CEO Compensation, Governance, Morality and Shareholder Democracy.” Presented at the Australasian Business Ethics Network Conference, Brisbane, Australia, December 6–8, 2016.
“If Canada Had a System-Wide Healthcare Strategy, What Form Could it Take?” Invited Presentation, Queen’s School of Policy Studies Speaker Series, Queen’s University, October 15, 2015.
“Universities in the Marketplace: For-Profit Universities – Morally Illegitimate? Or, Just Business?” Presented at the Australasian Business Ethics Network Conference, Melbourne, Australia, December 12–14, 2012.
Detomasi, David A., and A. Scott Carson. “Home Country Experience and CSR: The Case of the Canadian Oil and Gas Industry. Presented at the International Association of Business and Society Conference, Banff Alberta, March 26, 2010.
Carson, A. Scott, and Erica J. Young. “Environmental Policy and the Moral Entitlements of Remote Resource-Based Communities: the Case of Atikokan, Ontario.” Presented at the Working Collaboratively for Sustainability Conference, Seattle Washington: Seattle University, April 2–3, 2009.
“Codes of Ethics: Rationality, Reasonableness and Implementing Codes as Ethical Education”, 19th Annual Conference of the International Association of Business & Society, Tampere, Finland, June 26-29, 2008.
“For-Profit Degree Granting Institutions in Three Countries: Do their Governments’ Program Approval Processes Protect the Public Interest by Assuring Quality?” In 18th Annual Conference Proceedings of the International Association of Business & Society, Florence, Italy, May 28–June 1, 2007.
“Public Private Partnerships: The Ontario Scene in 2006.” Phelps Centre for the Study of Government and Business, UBC P3 Project, 1679-1682. Vancouver, British Columbia: University of British Columbia, Research Workshop, December 6, 2006.
“The Evolving Relationship Between Business and Academe in North America.” Keynote Address, Viessmann Research Centre on Modern Europe Conference, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, October 6, 2005.
“Should a University be Owned and Operated by a For-Profit Corporation?” In Proceedings of the Philosophy of Management Conference, Oxford UK: St. Anne’s College, University of Oxford, July 6–10, 2005.
“What a Financing Scandal in a Canadian City Can Teach us about Ethical Conduct in Government/Business Relations.” In Proceedings of the International Applied Business Research Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 5–19, 2004. (Best Paper Award)
“Corporate Governance and Ethics: Why More Regulation is Not the Complete Answer.” In Proceedings of the Global Conference on Business and Economics, London UK: Imperial College, July 5–7, 2003.
“Academic Issues from Around the Globe: Are There Any Differences? The Canadian Scene.” Luncheon Address, Global Conference on Business & Economics, London, UK, July 5–7, 2003.
“Establishing Public-Private Partnerships: Three Tests of a Good Process.” In Proceedings of the International Applied Business Research Conference, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, March 14–19, 2002.
“The Role of Transition Parameters and Process Structure in Resolving the Incompatibilities Between Economic and Public Policy Objectives in Privatization: A Canadian Case.” Presented at Academy of Business and Administrative Sciences Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, July 10–12, 2000.
“The Evolution of Business Schools in Canada: From Growth to Strategic Positioning.” Presented at the Academy of Business and Administrative Sciences Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, July 10–12, 2000.
“Social Democracy and the Changing Role of the University.” In Proceedings of the Education for Social Democracies: Changing Forms and Sites Conference, London UK: UCL Institute of Education, July 3–5, 2000.
“Justifying Global Privatization: Public Policy, Economics and Education.” Proceedings of the Globalization & Emerging Economies Conference, Academy of Business and Administrative Sciences, Barcelona, Spain, July 12–14, 1999.
“Global Privatization and the Ontario Experience: Notes from the Field.” Invited Presentation, Economics Department Speaker Series, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, March 19, 1999.
“How Should We Educate Students in Business Ethics?” Plenary Address, Third Annual Conference on Business and Professional Ethics, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, October 22, 1998.
“What is The Aim of International Ethics Education?” In Proceedings of the Sixth World Business Congress, International Management Development Association, edited by Kara A. Kaynak and Sung-Soo Pyo, 443–451. Chonju, Republic of Korea, 1997.
“A Case for Self-Regulation in the Financial Markets: Perspective on Improving Ethical Behavior.” In Proceedings of the 7th International Association for Business and Society Annual Conference, edited by Kathleen Rehbein, 50–55. Destin, Florida, 1997.
“Universities, Globalization and Ethical Obligations.” Presented at the Second Annual Laurier Conference on Ethics in Business, Health and Education, Waterloo, Ontario, Wilfrid Laurier University, October 23–25, 1997.
“Management Education and the Knowledge-Based Economy.” Invited Speaker, Science, Technology & Business Law Partnerships Conference: Innovation and Technology Transfer, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, January 30–31, 1997.
“Economic Restructuring and the Moral Obligation of the University.” Presented at the First Annual Conference on Business and Professional Ethics, Waterloo, Ontario, Wilfrid Laurier University, October 24–26, 1996.
“The Ethics of Institutional Shareholder Activism.” In Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Association for Business and Society Conference, edited by J. M. Logsdon and Kathleen Rehbein, 30–35, Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 21–24, 1996.
“Action and Process: Why Business and Government have Difficulty Understanding Each Other.” In Proceedings of the International Association of Management, 14th Annual Conference, Organizational Management Group, edited by J. D. Saunders, 1–6. Toronto, Ontario, vol. 14, no. 1, 1996.
“Business Education in the 1990s and Beyond.” Invited Lecture, University of Victoria, School of Business, Victoria, British Columbia, April 18, 1996.
“The Two Solitudes of Business and Government: Decision Making Model from the Halifax G7 Summit Planning Process.” Presented to the Commerce Faculty Seminar Series on Business and Government, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 20, 1995.
“Business Education and the Development of Integrity.” In Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Conference on Promoting Business Ethics, 568–588, New York City, November 3–5, 1995.
“The Two Solitudes of Business and Government: Decision Making Model from the Halifax G7 Summit Planning Process.” Presented to the Commerce Faculty Seminar Series on Business and Government, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 20, 1995.
1995. “Drug Testing, the Workplace and Privacy.” Presented at the Society for Business Ethics Conference, Vancouver, B.C., August.
“Education and the Concept of Community.” Presented to the Philosophy Colloquium, Department of Philosophy Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, February 16, 1984.
“Is Community Education of any Interest to Educational Theory?” Presented at the Canadian Society of the Study of Education Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, June 4–8, 1983
“Control of the Curriculum: A Case for Teachers.” Presented at the Education Colloquium, Queen’s University, Faculty of Education, Kingston, Ontario, February 14, 1983.
“Knowing and Interpreting the World.” Presented to the Social Theory Group, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, November 8, 1980.
“Control of the Curriculum and the Competence of Teachers.” Presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference, Montreal, Quebec, June 2–6, 1980.
“Can there be a Use for Knowledge and Values?: A Reply to Donna Kerr.” Presented at the Northwest Philosophy of Education Society Conference, Seattle, Washington, October 26–27, 1979.
“Experts and Control of the Curriculum.” Presented at the Northwest Philosophy of Education Society Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, October 20–21, 1978.
Invited Professional Presentations
“The Monieson Centre for Business Research in Healthcare: An Experiment in Collaborative Research.” Keynote Speaker, Department of Oncology Research Day, School of Medicine, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, November 17, 2014.
“I just want to give back….” Keynote, Alumni Volunteer Summit 2014, Queen’s University Alumni Association, Kingston, Ontario, June 5, 2014.
“Challenges and the Future of B-School Research: The Associate Dean and Research.” Opening Keynote, Associate Deans of Research Conference, Canadian Federation of Business School Deans, Montreal, Quebec, March 24, 2014.
“Strategic Planning for Healthcare Boards: Meeting the Challenges.” Invited Presentation, Healthcare Governance Forum, Governance Centre of Excellence, Ontario Hospital Association, Toronto, Ontario, September 28, 2013.
“The New Collaborative Governance Model in Ontario Healthcare.” Invited Presentation, Queen’s School of Business, Annual Forecasting Lunch, Kingston, Ontario, December 6, 2013.
“Strategic Planning for Healthcare Boards: Meeting the Challenges.” Invited Presentation, Healthcare Governance Forum, Governance Centre of Excellence, Ontario Hospital Association, Toronto, Ontario, September 28, 2013.
“Governance: Risk, Control and Strategy.” Invited Seminar, Ontario College of Teachers, Toronto, Ontario, June 6, 2013.
“Developing Responsible Leaders.” QS Top MBA Careers Conference, Invited Presentation, Cass Business School, City University, London, UK, October 22, 2010.
“Emerging Issues in Corporate Governance.” Invited Guest Speaker, Queen’s Business Club, London, UK, October 21, 2010.
“Implementing Codes of Ethical Conduct: From Theory to Practice.” Invited Speaker, Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario, December 6, 2008.
“Codes of Ethical Conduct: A Review of the Academic Literature from 1987 to 2007.” Invited Luncheon Speaker, Canadian Centre for Ethics and Corporate Policy, Toronto, Ontario, October 8, 2008.
“The Evolving Relationship Between Business and Academe.” Invited Guest Speaker, Business Cluster Policy Secretariat, Government of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario, November 3, 2005.
“The Role of the Board in Not-For-Profit and Volunteer Organizations.” Invited Speaker, Ontario School Boards Insurance Exchange Conference on Risk Management, Toronto, Ontario, November 4, 2004.
“Public Private Partnerships in Canada: Successes, Opportunities and Challenges.” Invited Distinguished International Keynote Speaker, Public Private Partnerships Conference – Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, Hong Kong, China, May 29, 2004.
“Procurement Processes are Supposed to Facilitate P3s: Do They?” Invited Plenary Speaker, 11th Annual Conference on Public Private Partnerships, Canadian Council for Public Private Partnerships, Toronto, Ontario, November 24–25, 2003.
“Understanding the Ethical Issues in Municipal Governance: Waterloo’s RIM Park Financing Case.” Invited Plenary Speaker, Canadian National Summit on Municipal Governance, Toronto, Ontario, September 25–26, 2003.
“Sustaining Innovation in Public Organizations.” Invited Plenary Speaker, Institute of Public Administrators of Canada, 2003 National Conference, Toronto, Ontario, August 24–27, 2003.
“Why Public and Private Sector Partners Have Difficulty Dealing with Each Other.” Invited Luncheon Speaker, Financing Forum on Public Private Partnerships, Toronto, Ontario, June 17, 2003.
“Establishing Public-Private Partnerships: Three Tests of a Good Process.” Presented at Canadian Council for Public Private Partnerships, Toronto, Ontario, January 2003.
“Corporate Governance and Ethical Conduct.” Invited Guest Speaker, Kitchener Public Library Issues and Ideas Lecture Series, Kitchener, Ontario, December 2, 2002.
“How Process Can Help to Establish a Good Public-Private Partnership.” Invited Presentation, Annual Meeting of the District Health Councils of Ontario, Waterloo, Ontario, October 27, 2002.
“Improving Corporate Governance: More Regulation or a Climate of Integrity?” Invited Guest Speaker, Retired Business and Professional Men’s Club of Kitchener-Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, October 10, 2002.
“Why New Regulations Won’t Fix the Problems of Corporate Governance.” Keynote Speaker, EthicScan Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario, October 7, 2002.
“Scandal and Integrity in the Boardroom.” Invited Luncheon Speaker, Rotary Club, Kitchener Westmount, Kitchener, Ontario, September 11, 2002.
“Ethical Aspects of Good Organizational Governance.” Invited Dinner Speaker, Ontario Bar Association (Corporate Counsel Section) Annual Dinner, Toronto, Ontario, June 19, 2002.
“Good Corporate Governance and Ethical Conduct in Business.” Invited Dinner Speaker, Indian Institutes of Technology Alumni Association of Canada Annual Dinner, Toronto, Ontario, May 25, 2002.
“Governance and Ethics: What are the Obligations of a Board, and to Whom Should the Board Be Responsible?” Invited Luncheon Speaker, Financial & Credit Executives Forum, Toronto, Ontario, May 8, 2002.
“Getting the Process Right for Public-Private Partnerships.” Featured Speaker, 9th Annual Conference of The Canadian Council for Public Private Partnerships, Toronto, Ontario, November 26–27, 2001.
“What Do You Want From Us? Dean’s Panel.” Invited Presentation, 23rd Annual Conference on Management and Executive Development, Litchfield Park, Arizona, November 19, 2000.
“Re-defining Corporate Social Responsibility for the New Economy.” Moderator, Chancellor’s Summit, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, September 28, 2000.
“Leading for Change: Perspectives from Across Sectors.” Moderator, Leadership 2000 Conference: Leading for Tomorrow: A Challenge for Today, The Conference Board of Canada, Toronto, Ontario, April 5–6, 2000.
“The Impact of Technology on International Competitiveness.” Moderator, Chancellor’s Summit, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, November 24, 1999.
“Corporate Finance Meets Politics and Public Policy: Privatizing Hwy 407.” Invited Speaker, 7th Annual Conference of the Canadian Council for Public Private Partnerships, Toronto, Ontario, November 23, 1999.
“Foreign Bank Competition in Canada: A Strategic Perspective on the Impact of Bill C-67.” Invited Presentation, Foreign Bank Competition Conference, The Canadian Institute, Toronto, Ontario, June 23, 1999.
“Privatization in a New Economic World.” Dinner Speaker, The Laurier Society, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, October 23, 1998.
“The Internationalization of Investment.” Creator and Moderator, The Chancellor’s Summit, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, October 1, 1998.
“Government and Higher Education: A Frayed Contract?” Invited Panel Presentation, Session Organizer, Chair and Introductory Presentation, Global Forum on Management Education, Chicago, Illinois, June 13–17, 1998.
“Business Ethics: Isn’t That an Oxymoron?” Keynote Address, The Competitive Edge Conference, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, May 28, 1998.
“Health Care Integration and Private Sector Alliances.” Keynote Address, Sharing the Caring Conference: Forging New Alliances, Grand River Hospital (Freeport), Kitchener, Ontario, February 13, 1998.
“The Pace of Change in Canada’s Business Schools.” Invited Guest Speaker, CEO Breakfast: Cambridge Chamber of Commerce, Cambridge Ontario, February 11, 1998.
“Competition in Global Management Education.” Invited Presentation, Canadian Federation of Business School Deans Conference: Positioning to Compete in a Global Market, Quebec City, Quebec, November 28–29, 1997.
“Canadian Management Education in Transition: Budgets, Technology and the Marketplace.” Invited presentation, Deans’ and Chairpersons’ Panel, Sixth Annual World Business Congress International Management Development Association, Chonju, Republic of Korea, July 23–27, 1997.
“When Change Isn’t Occurring: Leadership and Trust.” Invited Dinner Speaker, Conference Board of Canada, Tenth Anniversary Human Resource Executives’ Forum, Hockley Valley, Ontario, June 11, 1997.
“How Can We Make Business Conduct More Ethical?” Invited Public Lecture, Kitchener Public Library Lecture Series, Kitchener, Ontario, February 10, 1997.
“The Changing Face of University-Based Management and Executive Education in Canada.” Invited Speaker, Conference Board of Canada, Information Exchange on Evaluating Executive/Management Development Programs, Toronto, Ontario, September 12, 1996.
“Merchants of Hope: Leaders in Changing Organizations.” Invited Speaker, Conference Board of Canada, Canadian Education Leadership Network, Halifax, Nova Scotia, August 8–10, 1996.
“How Business Schools are Responding to the Management and Leadership Challenges of the Future.” Invited Speaker, Conference Board of Canada, Canadian Training Directors Forum, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 19–21, 1996.
“The Two Solitudes of Business and Government: Field Notes from the Halifax G-7 Summit Planning.” Invited Address, Canadian Institute of Public Administrators, Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 31, 1995.
“Business Ethics for Accountants.” Professional seminar for the Certified General Accountants Association of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Nova Scotia, March 29, 1995.
“Governance in a Business School: Departmentalized Structures.” Invited Speaker, Canadian Federation of Business School Deans Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, December 6, 1994.
“Creativity and Innovation: Business Schools of the Future.” Keynote Convocation Address, Canadian Institute of Management, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 23, 1994.
“Creativity and Management Education.” Invited Luncheon Speaker, Halifax Club Speaker Series, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 6, 1994.
“Business Schools and the Development of Rationality.” Invited Address, Rotary Club, Halifax, Nova Scotia, March 11, 1994.
“Current Trends in Management Education.” Keynote Graduation Address, Institute of Canadian Bankers, Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 26, 1993.
“Financing the Strategic Alliance.” Invited Speaker, Strategic Alliances Conference, The Canadian Institute, Toronto, Ontario, March 5–6, 1993.
“Project Finance: Focus on Effective Analytical Techniques.” Invited Speaker, Conference on Credit Analysis, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, June 1–2, 1992.
“The Treatment of Bondholders in Corporate Restructuring.” Invited Speaker, Corporate Restructuring. Insight Conference, Toronto, Ontario, May 5–6, 1992.
“Project Finance Risk Management.” Invited Speaker and Conference Co-chair, Credit and Financial Analysis, Canadian Institute Conference, Toronto, Ontario, November 27–29, 1991.
“Credit Analysis for Project Finance.” Invited Speaker and Conference Co-chair, Credit Analysis. Canadian Institute Conference, Toronto, Ontario, May 29–30, 1991.
Conferences Organized
Transforming Canadian Healthcare Through Innovation: The Agenda, Queen’s Health Policy Change Conference Series, June 7–8, 2016, Toronto, Ontario.
Managing a Canadian Healthcare Strategy, Queen’s Health Policy Change Conference Series, May 6–7, 2015, Toronto, Ontario.
Creating Strategic Change in Canadian Healthcare, Queen’s Health Policy Change Conference Series, May 15–16, 2014, Toronto, Ontario.
Toward a Canadian Healthcare Strategy, Queen’s Health Policy Change Conference Series, June 13–14, 2013, Toronto, Ontario.
11th Annual Conference on Public Private Partnerships, Canadian Council for Public Private Partnerships, Toronto, Ontario, November 24–25, 2003. Annual Conference Chair, 2003.
Grants & Funding
Remote Patient Monitoring Program Benefits (PI transferred to Dr. K. Brohman) (2015)
Canada Health Infoway | $72,276
Health Services and Policy, Change Management for Healthcare Policy Workshop Grant (2013)
CIHR | $24,996.
Social Sciences and Humanities Connection Grant (2012)
SSHRC | $37,993
Eastern Ontario Warden’s Caucus (2012)
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs | $60,000
Co-investigator and Segment PI, $40,000 (2007-2009)
Ontario Centres of Excellence | $400,000
Co-investigator, Dr. Mark Baetz (2007-2008)
Canadian Centre for Ethics & Corporate Policy | $3,900
Supplementary Research Grant (2010-2011)
Queen’s School of Business | $20,000
Research Initiatory Grant (2007-2010)
Queen's School of Business | $60,000
D. I. McLeod Program Research Assistant Grant (2007)
Queen’s School of Business | $900
General Research Grant Competition (2007)
Queen’s School of Business | $3,000
Fund for Scholarly and Professional Development (2006)
Queen’s University | $2,500
D. I. McLeod Program Research Assistant Grant (2006)
Queen’s School of Business | $900
General Research Grant Competition (2006)
Queen’s School of Business | $2,490
Research Grant (2006)
Wilfrid Laurier University | $5,000
Queen’s Quest Grants for Visiting Distinguished Scholars (Coordinator) (1983-1984)
University of Alberta, Faculty of Education, Travel Grant (1979)
Canada Council (now SSHRC) Doctoral Fellowship (1974-1978)
Community Service
2017 - Economic Development Organization 2017 Performance Review Working Group, City of Kingston, Ontario
2008–2010 - Member, Imagine Kingston (community visioning group)
2002–2006 - Member, Investment Committee, Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation
1996–2002 - Adjudication Panel Member, Junior Achievement Business Excellence, Waterloo Region.
2000–2001 - Interim Board Member, The Business-Education Partnership, Kitchener-Waterloo and Area
1997–1998 - Member, Canada’s Technology Triangle (CTT), Economic Development Task Force
1997 - Education Chair, Campaign Cabinet, United Way Campaign, Kitchener-Waterloo and Area
1993–1996 - Laureate Selection Committee & Chair, Board of Judges, Nova Scotia Business Hall of Fame
1994–1995 - Member, Halifax G7 Summit Organizing Committee
Academic Service: Program Reviews
2018 - Cape Breton University (review panel)
2013 - Postsecondary Quality Assessment Board, Province of Ontario (review panel)
2008 - Nipissing University, School of Business and Education (review panel)
2007 - Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission (review panel)
2007 - University of New Brunswick, Saint John, New Brunswick (academic advisor)
2006 - Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission (review panel)
2006 - University of Ottawa, School of Management (academic advisor)
2006 - Department of Advanced Education, Government of British Columbia (review panel)
1997/1998 - Bishop’s University, School of Business (review panel)
1997/1998 - McMaster Divinity College, McMaster University (academic advisor)
1981 - University of Alberta, Department of Educational Foundations Department of Educational Foundations (academic advisor)
University Committee Service
Queen’s University (2007–Present)
- Smith School of Business Graduate Program Committee (2019-Present)
- Smith School of Business, Academic Appeals Committee (2017–2018)
- Queen’s School of Policy Studies, School Board (2015–2016)
- Smith School of Business, Physical Facilities Committee (2014–2015)
- Advisory Committee to the Dean, Queen’s Faculty of Health Sciences, Clinical Teachers Association of Queen’s Chair in Health Economics. (2013–2014)
- Queen’s MBA Curriculum Committee (2013–2014)
- Commerce Curriculum Committee (2013–2014)
- Smith School of Business Academic Integrity Committee (2012–2013)
- Advisor and strategy facilitation, University Secretariat, Office of the Principal, University Council restructuring (2012)
- Advisor and governance workshops, University Secretariat, Board of Trustees restructuring (2010–2013)
- Smith School of Business, Academic Integrity Committee (2012–Present)
- Smith School of Business, Research Committee (2011–2013)
- Graduate Committee for Business (2011–2013)
- Rankings Task Force (2008)
- Queen’s MBA Curriculum Committee (2007–2011)
- Queen’s MBA Academic Progress Committee (2007–2011)
Wilfrid Laurier University (1996–2006)
University Committees:
- University Senate
- Senate Executive
- Senate Finance Committee
- Senate Academic Planning
- Senate Promotions and Tenure
- Enrolment and Planned Capacity Steering
- Residence Planning (Chair)
- Search Committee for Dean of Graduate Studies and Director of Research
- Search Committee for Dean, Faculty of Arts
- Search Committee for Dean of Science
- Search Committee for Vice-President: Finance and Administration
- Search Committee for the Associate Vice President Research
- Strategic Planning Committee
- Graduate Faculty Council
- Contract Academic Staff First Collective Agreement (University’s Chief Negotiator)
- President’s Academic Advisory Council
- Strategic Issues Board
- Enrolment Management Committee
- Vice President’s Advisory Committee
Lazaridis School of Business and Economics Committees
- School of Business and Economics Faculty Council (Chair)
- School of Business and Economics Dean’s Advisory Council
- School of Business and Economics Management Team (Chair)
Saint Mary’s University (1993–1996)
University Committees:
- University Senate
- Executive Committee
- Policies and Priorities Committee
- University Appointments Committee
- University Review Committee
- Academic Regulations Committee
- Convocation Committee
Sobey School, Faculty Committees:
- Faculty Council (Chair)
- Faculty Executive (Chair)
- MBA Council
- EMBA Council
- The Sobey School of Business Advisory Board (Chair)
- Saint Mary’s Business Development Centre Advisory Board
Queen's University (1982–1984)
University Committee:
- Council of the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs
Faculty of Education Committees:
- Queen’s Quest Scholars Program (Coordinator)
- Social Theory Seminar (Founder and Coordinator)
- Teaching Practicum
- Student Ethical Conduct Task-force (Chair)
- County of Frontenac School Board Committee on Moral and Religious Education
University of Alberta (1978–1981)
- Faculty of Education Committee and Practicum Supervisor
- Social and Political Theory Group (Founder and Coordinator)
- Teaching Practicum Supervisor
Scholarly Manuscript Reviews
- Journal of Philosophy of Education
- Higher Education Quarterly
- Canadian Medical Association Journal
- Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance
- MacDonald-Laurier Institute
- Journal of Religion & Business Ethics
- International Association for Business & Society
- Journal of Business Ethics
- Academy of Management (Management Education Section)
- Society for Business Ethics
- Alberta Journal of Educational Research
- Journal of Educational Thought
Academic and Professional Affiliations (1993 – Present)
- Academy of Management
- International Association for Business & Society
- Society for Business Ethics
- Australasian Business Ethics Network
- European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management
- Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education
- Institute of Corporate Directors of Canada
Professional Consultancy
2018 - Cataraqui Golf & Country Club
2017 - Appleby College
2011 - Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada. Expert deposition.
2008 - Kingston General Hospital
2007 - Kingston Economic Development Corporation
2007 - Cordiant Capital Inc.
2004–2008 - Standard & Poor’s, Canada
2003 - Standard & Poor’s, Canada
2001 - Standard & Poor’s, A Division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, New York
2000 - Canadian Bond Rating Service (CBRS Inc.)
2000 - Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation, Government of Ontario
2000 - Integrated Financial Information System Project, Ministry of Finance, Government of Ontario
1999 - Canadian Bond Rating Service (CBRS Inc.)
1999 - McMillan Binch, Barristers and Solicitors
1998–1999 - Office of Privatization, Government of Ontario
1998 - Canadian Bond Rating Service (CBRS Inc.)
1997 - Canadian Bond Rating Service (CBRS Inc.)
1997 - Halifax International Airport Authority
1996–1997 - Canadian Bond Rating Service (CBRS Inc.)
1996 - Halifax International Airport Authority
1994 - Nova Scotia Power Inc.
1993 - Nova Scotia Resources Limited
Governance Experience
Corporate Governance
2004–Present - Trustee, International Finance Participation Trust, Cordiant Capital Inc.
2000–2014 - Director, The Economical Insurance Group (Honourary Lifetime Director)
Companies in the Group:
- Economical Mutual Insurance Company
- Waterloo Insurance Company
- Perth Insurance Company
- The Missisquoi Insurance Company
- Westmount Financial Inc
Committees (of all companies):
- Chair, Corporate Governance & Risk Review
- Investment
- Audit
- Pension
2000–2006 - Director, Waterloo North Hydro Inc.
- Chair, Human Resources
- Audit
1998–2004 - Director, Comerica Bank Canada
- Audit
- Conduct Review
2000–2002 - Director, Mitra Imaging Inc.
- Trustee, Employee Share Trust
1997–2000 - Director, CBRS Inc. (Canadian Bond Rating Service)
1997 - Director, K2 Energy Corp. (TSX listing - KTO)
Public Sector Governance
2019—present - Chair (Acting), Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario
- Audit Committee
2010–2016 - Chair, Kingston General Hospital (2014–2016). Merged to become Kingston Health Sciences Centre.
- Vice-Chair (2012–2014)
- Director (2010–2012)
- Chair, Governance and Nominating
- Finance and Audit
- Senior Leadership and Compensation (merged with Governance)
- Patient Care and People
2012–2016 - Director, Kingston General Hospital Research Institute
2005–2006 - Member, Public Accountants Council for the Province of Ontario
- Finance
- Licensing Standards
1997–1998 - Member, Business Review Advisory Panel for the Minister without Portfolio with Responsibility for Privatization, Government of Ontario
1996–1998 - Special Advisor to the Board, Halifax Stanfield International Airport Authority
1995–1996 - Vice-Chair, Halifax Stanfield International Airport Authority
- Finance
1995–1996 - Director, World Trade Centre Institute, Halifax
Professional and Association Governance
2000–2006 - Director, Canadian Council for Public Private Partnerships
- Executive
- Nominating
- Chair, Annual Conference (2003)
2005–2006 - Director, Ontario Chamber of Commerce
- Vice-Chair, Boarders & Transportation Infrastructure
2004–2005 - Governor, Governing Council, Ontario Chamber of Commerce
2002–2005 - Member, Prosperity Council of Waterloo Region
1997–2005 - Chair, Greater Kitchener Waterloo Chamber of Commerce (Honourary Lifetime Member)
- Past-Chair
- Chair
- Vice-Chair
2002–2004 - Director, Marketing and Communication Task Force, Canada’s Technology Triangle
1996–1999 - Member, Stakeholder Advisory Group, Canadian Securities Institute, Investor Learning Centre, Toronto.
1993–1996 - Director, Metropolitan Halifax Chamber of Commerce
- Chair, G7 Task Force
- Chair, Education
Academic Governance
2005–2008 - Advisory Board, UBC P3 Project, Phelps Centre for the Study of Government and Business, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia
1996–2006 - Senate, Wilfrid Laurier University
1993–2005 - Canadian Consortium of Management Schools
2000–2003 - International Programming Committee, AACSB – International
1997–1998 - International Organizing Committee, Global Forum on Management Education
1993–1998 - Chair, Canadian Federation of Business School Deans
- Past-Chair
- Vice-Chair
- Director
- Chair, Executive
- Chair, Finance
- Chair, Media Relations
1994–1996 - National Corporate Council on Management Education
1994–1996 - Board of Research Advisors, Atlantic Institute for Market Studies, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
1993–1996 - Senate, Saint Mary’s University
Professional Recognitions
- Honourary Lifetime Director, The Economical Insurance Group
- Honourary Lifetime Member, Greater Kitchener Waterloo Chamber of Commerce
Book Manuscripts
- Routledge: Francis, Taylor
- Canadian Scholar’s Press
- Thompson South Western Publishing
- Clarke Irwin Publishing Co.