Susan Brodt
Associate ProfessorOverview
Susan Brodt is Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour and is also cross-appointed as Associate Professor of Psychology. She received her undergraduate degree from the University of California, Berkeley, and her masters (statistics) and doctorate (psychology) degrees from Stanford University.
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- Organizational Behaviour
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Susan Brodt is Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour and is also cross-appointed as Associate Professor of Psychology. She received her undergraduate degree from the University of California, Berkeley, and her masters (statistics) and doctorate (psychology) degrees from Stanford University.
Prior to coming to Queen's University in 2004, Dr. Brodt spent almost 10 years on the management faculty at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business. She has also been a Visiting Scholar at Stanford University, a Visiting Faculty member at the Indian School of Business (ISB), and a full-time faculty member at the University of Virginia's Darden Graduate School of Business. During 2009-2010, she was on sabbatical leave and a Visiting Professor at the Universidad Adolfo Ibañez in Santiago, Chile.
Dr. Brodt's teaching interests are in the area of organizational behaviour with an emphasis on executive leadership, negotiation, and trust. She has taught undergraduate, MBA, Executive MBA and doctoral students around the world in traditional classroom as well as technology-mediated teaching environments. Dr. Brodt is also an experienced executive educator having taught in custom and open enrollment programs for government and not-for-profit clients as well as corporate clients in the financial services, pharmaceuticals, and telecommunications industries.
Dr. Brodt's research examines interpersonal and small group processes in organizations. For many years, she has studied the dynamics of trust in manager-subordinate relationships, in negotiations and in virtual or distributed work groups. Of particular interest are the vagaries of trust, namely trust violation and repair. Dr. Brodt has recently added a cultural dimension to her research having received a Canadian government grant (SSHRC) to study the concept of a "cultural mosaic" in the Canadian workplace. Underlying all her research is an emphasis on relationships and social aspects of organizational life, and how management practices, technology and other organization factors can foster (or undermine) effective and satisfying work relationships. Her research has been published in numerous scholarly journals, such as the Academy of Management Review, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, as well as in practitioner-oriented journals including the MIT Sloan Management Review.
Dr. Brodt has served on the Editorial Review Boards of several scholarly journals including Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Organization Science, Journal of Management, Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, and the Journal of International Business Studies. She has also been active in professional associations, having been elected to a five-year term of office as Program Chair and Division Chair of the Academy of Management's Conflict Management Division. She is also active in the International Association for Conflict Management (IACM), having served as Program Co-Chair for the annual conference and two terms as a member of the IACM Board of Directors.
Academic Degrees
PhD Psychology
Stanford University, USA
M.S. Statistics
Stanford University, USA
B.A. Psychology, Summa cum Laude
University of California, Berkeley, USA
Academic Experience
Smith School of Business, Queen’s University
Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour (2004 – Present)
E. Marie Shantz Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour (2005-2008)
Associate Professor of Psychology (cross-appointment) (2004 – Present)
Duke University, Fuqua School of Business
Associate Professor/Assistant Professor (1994-2003)
University of Virginia, Darden Graduate School of Business
Assistant Professor (1988 - 1994)
Journal Articles
Felzensztein, C., Brodt, S. & Gimmon, E. 2014. Do strategic marketing and social capital really matter in regional clusters? Lessons from an emerging economy of Latin America. Journal of Business Research.
Brodt, S. & Neville, L. 2013. Repairing trust to preserve balance: A balance-theoretic approach to trust breach and repair in groups. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 6(1), 49-65.
Brodt, S., & Dionisi, A. 2011. When peers become leaders: The effects of internal promotion on workgroup dynamics. (pp. 370-399). In R. Searle & D. Skinner (Eds.), Trust and human resource management. London: Elgar
Neville, L & S. Brodt, S. 2010. The curious relationship between fairness and trust in teams: When unfair treatment begets trust, fair process erodes trust, and unfair restitution restores trust (pp. 121-155). In E. Mannix, M. Neale, & E. Mullens (Eds.). Research on managing groups and teams: Justice. Volume 13. New York, NY: Emerald
Webster, J., Brown, G., Connelly, C., Brodt, S., & Sitkin, S. 2008. Beyond knowledge sharing: Withholding knowledge at work. Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management, 27, 1-38.
Tinsley, C. & Brodt, S. 2004. Conflict management in East Asia: A dynamic framework and future directions. (pp. 439-458). In K. Leung and S. White (Eds.). Handbook of Asian Management. New York, NY: Kluwer.
Korsgaard, A., Brodt, S., & Sapienza, H. 2003. Trust, identity and attachment: Promoting cooperation in groups. (pp. 37-54). In M. West, D. Tjosvold, and K. Smith (Eds.). International handbook of organizational teamwork and cooperative working. West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons.
Schweitzer, M., Brodt, S., & Croson, R. 2002. Seeing and believing: Visual access and the strategic use of deception in negotiations. International Journal of Conflict Management, 13, 1-18.
Korsgaard, A., Brodt, S., & Whitener, E. 2002. Trust in the face of conflict: The role of managerial trustworthy behavior and organizational context. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, 312-319.
Thompson, L. & Brodt, S. 2001. Negotiating teams: A levels of analysis framework. Group Dynamics, 5, 208-219.
- Reprinted in Lewicki, R., B. Barry, D. Saunders, J. Minton 2005. Negotiations: Readings, Exercises and Cases. New York, NY: Irwin McGraw-Hill
Brodt, S. & Cross, R. 2001. How assumptions of consensus undermine decision making. Sloan Management Review, 42, 86-94.
Whitener, E. & Brodt, S. 2000. Forging employee morale, trust and performance. [Monograph]. Madison, WI: Filene Research Institute.
Brodt, S. & Tuchinsky, M. 2000. Working together but in opposition: An examination of the “good cop/bad cop” negotiating team tactic. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 81, 155177.
Brodt, S. & Dietz, L. 1999. Shared information and information sharing: Understanding negotiation as collective construal. Research in Negotiation in Organizations, volume 7, 263-283.
Brodt, S. & Ross, L. 1998. The role of stereotyping in overconfident social predictions. Social Cognition, 16, 225-252.
Whitener, E., Brodt, S., Korsgaard, A., Werner, J. 1998. Managers as initiators of trust: An exchange relationship framework for understanding managerial trustworthy behavior. Academy of Management Review, 23, 513-530.
- Reprinted in R. Kramer (Ed.). 2006. Organizational trust: Progress and promise in theory and research. London, UK: Oxford University Press.
Brodt, S. 1997. Innovative approaches to research in group decision and negotiation. Group Decision and Negotiation (Editor, special issue)
Thompson, L., Peterson, E., & Brodt, S. 1996. Team negotiation: An examination of integrative and distributive bargaining. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.70, 66-78.
Northcraft, G., Neale, M., & Brodt, S. 1995. The prospect of negotiating with non-linear utilities: Why some concessions are more equal than others. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 63, 298-310.
Brodt, S. 1994. “Inside” information and negotiator decision behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 58, 172-202.
Whitener, E. & Brodt, S. 1994. When is a "KO" OK? Capitalizing on existing knowledge structures to facilitate pre-training transfer, Human Resource Management Review, 4, 363-381.
Teaching Materials (Cases, Teaching Notes and Technical Notes)
Sports Magazine: National Football League Quarterback (with A. Dionisi) Sports Magazine: Magazine Representative (with A. Dionisi)
Consternation at College Town Apartments: Role of Chris (with A. Ebel-Lam) Consternation at College Town Apartments: Role of Pat (with A. Ebel-Lam)
Peterson Technologies: The Committee to select a new CFO
Spencer Associates: Chris Wilson, Recruiter Spencer Associates: Jordan Clark, Job Candidate
Mt. Spencer, International: Pat Lothian, Director of Marketing, Advertising and Promotions at Mountaineering Equipment International (with M. Tuchinsky)
Mt. Spencer, International: Jean-François Belmont, Professional Mountain Climber (with M. Tuchinsky)
Mt. Spencer, International: Teaching Note
Mt. Spencer: Mountaineering Equipment International Mt. Spencer: A.C. Grant, Professional Mountain Climber
Mt. Spencer: Teaching Note
Performance Beyond Belief: The Reorganization at Pizza Hut, Inc (A, B, C) Published in Colley, J. (1995). Case Studies in Service Operations. New York, NY: Dryden Press.
Machiavellianism: Understanding the Person and the Situation
The Charity Ball: Students Seeking an Audience with Blue Hat’s EEEsseky Founders The Charity Ball: The EEEsseky Founders of Blue Hat
Labor Contract Negotiation: City Negotiator (with M. Schweitzer, R. Croson) Labor Contract Negotiation: Labor Negotiator (with M. Schweitzer, R. Croson)
The Making of Heaven’s Gate (A-F, Epilogue)
ART Mystique
Pelican Landing: Bender Corporation + Pelican Landing: City of Springfield +
Pelican Landing: Teaching Note
Cascade Manor: City of Bainbridge, Financial Director (with L. Thompson) + + Cascade Manor: City of Bainbridge, Chief Planner (with L. Thompson) + +
Cascade Manor: ALKI Corporation, Vice President (with L. Thompson) + +
Cascade Manor: ALKI Corporation, Chief Financial Officer (with L. Thompson) + +
Cascade Manor: Teaching Notes (with L. Thompson) + +
Feathered Serpents and Flowering Trees: An Extraordinary Bequest of Teotihuacan Murals Published in Lewicki, R., B. Barry, D. Saunders, J. Minton (2007). Negotiations: Readings, Exercises and Cases. NY: Irwin McGraw-Hill
Ming Vase (with D. Abrams, A. Cejudo Mercado, I. Desagnat, L. Tran Dinh Quoc & M. Olaru)
Working Papers and Work In Progress
Chuapetcharasopon, P., Neville, L., Adair, W., Brodt, S. & Lituchy, T. Multicultural work groups as cultural mosaics: The development and validation of the cultural mosaic beliefs scale.
Whitener, E., Brodt, S. & Korsgaard, A. Understanding the relationship between cynicism and trust.
Brodt, S. & Gross, M. Incidental trust repair: Restoring trust through the kindness of strangers.
Escribano, P., Espejo, A. & Brodt, S. Supporting and challenging the status-quo: Antecedents of citizenship behavior and taking charge behavior in organizations.
Neville, L. & Brodt, S. The devil is in the details: The role of contextual richness in negotiation.
Neville, L. & Brodt, S. An interpersonal justice and social exchange analysis of forgiveness and transgressor helping behaviour.
Brodt, S., Korsgaard, A., & Pitariu, A. Trust, identity and psychological attachment to groups: Influences on cooperation within groups.
Neville, L. & Brodt, S. Third-party responses to observing forgiveness.
Brodt, S., Neville, L., & Barr, J. The effect of self-affirmation on trust violation and trust repair.
Brodt, S. & Hoption, C. Whispering in cyberspace: The effects of private communication on decision processes in distributed work groups
Brodt, S. & Fortune, A. Face to face or virtually: The influence of task and media on impasse, trust and deception in negotiation
Brodt, S. & Tuchinsky, M. Warmth over the wires: Building rapport for distanced negotiation
Brodt, S., Schweitzer, M. & Croson, R. Teams, visual access and deception: Do negotiation teams have a competitive advantage?
Brodt, S. & Emery, J. Looking beyond messages: The effects of informational and relational complexity on E-communication overload
Brodt, S. & Emery. J. The role of relationship load in e-communication overload: The number and importance of social groups.
Smith School of Business
Ph.D. Program
- Seminar on Conflict and Negotiation
- Advanced Topics in Organizational Behaviour
Masters in International Business Program
- International Business Negotiations
Executive MBA – National Program & Ottawa Program
- Negotiations and Conflict Management
Executive Education Programs
- Queen’s Executive Program
- Human Resources Expert: Trust in the Workplace/Effective Negotiations
Undergraduate Program
- Negotiation Theory and Behaviour
- International Business Negotiations
Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI), Escuela de Negocios, Santiago, Chile
MBA – International Program
- Negotiations and Conflict Management
EMBA – Multinational Program
- Alignment (Module VI, with A. Espejo, A. Hatum, S. Poelmans)
Indian School of Business (ISB), Hyderabad, India
MBA Program
- Negotiation Analysis (with C. Tinsley)
Duke University, Fuqua School of Business, Durham, NC USA
Ph.D. Program
- Research on Negotiation
- Managerial Trust and Justice (with S. Sitkin, B. Sheppard, & E.A. Lind)
The Duke MBA – Daytime Program
- Managerial Effectiveness
- Dynamics of Bargaining
- Survey Course on Latin America (including travel component)
The Duke MBA – Weekend Executive Program
- Dynamics of Bargaining/Dynamics of Bargaining: The Global Environment
The Duke MBA –Global Executive Program
- Managerial Effectiveness for the Global Executive I
Executive Education Programs
- Advanced Management Program
- Program for Management Development
- Eli Lilly Global Management Program
- Johnson & Johnson Total Employee Involvement Program
University of Virginia, Darden Graduate School of Business, Charlottesville, VA USA
MBA Program
- Organizational Behavior
- Bargaining and Negotiation
- Managing Conflict and Cooperation
Darden Executive Programs
- Managing Organizational and Individual Change
- Power and Leadership
- The Art of Managing Human Resources
- Managing Critical Resources
- Developing Managerial Excellence/Young Manager Program
University of Virginia Continuing Education Programs
- Conflict and Negotiation (US Naval Shipyard, Norfolk, VA)
- Conflict and Negotiation (Museum Management Institute)
Dissertation and Masters Theses Committees (* indicates committee chair)
Doug Lisle (PhD) Psychology Department, U. of Virginia |
John Bloomingdale (PhD) |
Psychology Department, U. of Virginia |
Sara Hodges (PhD) |
Psychology Department, U. of Virginia |
Kathy Bell (PhD) |
Psychology Department, U. of Virginia |
Thomas O’Brien (PhD) |
Psychology Department, U. of Virginia |
Lisa Anderson (PhD) |
Economics Department, U. of Virginia |
Marla Tuchinsky (PhD) |
Fuqua School of Business, Duke U. (2002) |
Leah Dietz (PhD) |
Fuqua School of Business, Duke U. (2003) |
Christopher Bell (PhD)* |
Fuqua School of Business, Duke U. (2003) |
Ian Wong (MSc)* |
Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s U. (2005) |
James Emery (PhD) |
Fuqua School of Business, Duke U. (2006) |
Ann Frances Cameron (PhD) |
Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s U. (2006) |
Catherine Shea (MSc)* |
Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s U. (2006) |
Lukas Neville (MSc)* |
Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s U. (2007) |
Angela Dionisi (MSc)* |
Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s U. (2008) |
Bryan Sippel (MSc)* |
Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s U. (2008) |
Michelle Lowe (MSc)* |
Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s U. (2009) |
Pablo Escribano P. (MSc) |
Escuela de Negocios, U Adolfo Ibáñez (2010) |
Cristian Geldes G. (MSc) |
Escuela de Negocios, U Adolfo Ibáñez (2010) |
Yvonne Tsui (MSc)* |
Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s U. (2011) |
Regan Schmidt (PhD) |
Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s U. (2011) |
Lukas Neville (PhD)* |
Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s U. (2012) |
Kathryn Papke (MSc)* |
Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s U. (2013) |
Eung-Jun (Eric) Lee (MSc)* |
Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s U. (2013) |
Undergraduate Honours Theses Committees (* indicates committee chair)
Gianna Moreno* Psychology Department, Duke U. (2000) |
David King* Psychology Department, Duke U. (2002) |
Erin Collins* Psychology Department, Queen’s U. (2006) |
Leah Dietrich* |
Psychology Department, Queen’s U. (2007) |
Brian Lee* |
Psychology Department, Queen’s U. (2008) |
Joanne Ko* |
Psychology Department, Queen’s U. (2008) |
Christopher Humphries* |
Psychology Department, Queen’s U. (2009) |
Lindsey Fielding* |
Psychology Department, Queen’s U. (2009) |
Jessica Barr* |
Psychology Department, Queen’s U. (2009) |
Antonia Dangaltcheva* |
Psychology Department, Queen’s U. (2009) |
Jennifer Doggart* |
Psychology Department, Queen’s U. (2010) |
Yvonne Tsui* |
Psychology Department, Queen’s U. (2010) |
Andrea Tang* |
Psychology Department, Queen’s U. (2011) |
Joe Choi* |
Psychology Department, Queen’s U. (2011) |
Kathryn Papke* |
Psychology Department, Queen’s U. (2012) |
Kathleen Taylor* |
Psychology Department, Queen’s U. (2012) |
Catherine Oppedisano* |
Psychology Department, Queen’s U. (2012) |
Allyson Haarstad* |
Psychology Department, Queen’s U. (2012) |
Naomi Rosenfeld* |
Psychology Department, Queen’s U. (2013) |
Heather Carson* |
Psychology Department, Queen’s U. (2013) |
Nicola de Souza* |
Psychology Department, Queen’s U. (2013) |
Visiting Positions
Profesora Visitante
Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (UAI), Escuela de Negocios, Chile
2009 – 2010
Visiting Professor
Indian School of Business (ISB), India
Visiting Scholar
Department of Psychology, Stanford University, USA
1997 - 1998
Managerial Trust and Relationships, Conflict and Negotiation, particularly related to Teams and Technology, Individual and Small Group Judgment and Decision Behavior, Culture, particularly Multicultural “Mosaic-type” Teams, Conflict, and Conflict Resolution
Selected Seminars and Presentations (* indicates refereed presentations)
Brodt, S. Incidental trust repair. IESE Business School, Barcelona, Spain. May 8, 2014. Invited seminar.
Brodt, S. Research while on sabbatical. Presented in the Professional Development Workshop, “Where in the world? A guide to international academic sabbaticals.” Academy of Management (AOM) annual conference, Orlando, FA USA. August, 2013 *
Brodt, S. The cultural mosaic model of multicultural groups. Presented in the Professional Development Workshop, “Crossing boundaries: Group dynamics from perspectives rooted in organizational development (OD), international management (IM), and organizational behavior (OB).” Academy of Management (AOM) annual conference, Boston, MA USA. August, 2012 *
Brodt, S. & Gross, M. An incidental approach to trust repair: Repairing trust through the kindness of strangers. Presented at the International Association for Conflict Management (IACM) Annual Conference. Johannesburg, South Africa. July, 2012 *
Brodt, S., Maznevski, M., Adair, W., Brett, J., Erez, M., Gibson, C., Paulus, P., & Johnson, A. Multicultural teams: Where do we go from here? – Discussion and Wrap-up of the 2011-2012 Multicultural Team Virtual Dialogue. Webinar series organized and moderated by Wendi Adair, U of Waterloo, with support from INGroup and DRRC, June 2012.
Lituchy, T., Michaud, J., Adair, W., Brodt, S., & Chuapetcharasopon, P. Cultural mosaic beliefs and acculturation. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Psychological Association, Halifax, NS. 2012*
Neville, L. & Brodt, S. The effects of observed forgiveness and discipline type on teammate forgiveness and team perceptions. Academy of Management (AOM) annual conference, San Antonia Texas USA. August, 2011 *
Neville, L. & Brodt, S. Interpersonal forgiveness following a trust breach: Consequences for group functioning. INGroup annual conference, Minneapolis MN USA. July, 2011*
Brodt, S. Cultural mosaic models of multicultural teams. Multicultural Team Virtual Dialogue. Wendi Adair, U of Waterloo, Moderator. INGroup and DRRC supported Webinar, June 2011.
Brodt, S. Trust breach in the wake of internal transitions: When peers are promoted. European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) annual conference, Maastricht, The Netherlands, May, 2011 *
Chuapetcharasopon, P., Adair, W., Lituchy, T., and Brodt, S. The cultural mosaic scale: Factor structure and construct validity. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) annual conference. Chicago, IL USA. April, 2011 *
Felzensztein, C., Brodt, S., & Gimmon, E. Do strategic marketing and social networks really matter in clusters? Business Association of Latin American Studies (BALAS) annual conference, Santiago, Chile. April, 2011 *
Whitener, E., Brodt, S. & Korsgaard, A. Understanding the relationship between cynicism and trust. Dept of Psychology, University of Waterloo. Ontario November, 2010. Invited seminar.
Chuapetcharasopon, P., Adair, W., Brodt, S., Lituchy, T. & Lowe, M. Cultural mosaic in the workplace: Conceptualization and measurement. Annual Conference of the Academy of Management. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. August, 2010 *
Neville, L. & Brodt, S. Third-party responses to observing forgiveness. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Academy of Management. Part of a Showcase Symposium on “Forgiveness at Work.” Montreal, Quebec, Canada. August, 2010 *
Brodt, S., Chuapetcharasopon, P., Adair, W., Lituchy, T. & Lowe, M. As Canadian as hockey: Examining the cultural mosaic approach to multicultural work groups. Presented at the IACM Annual Conference. Boston, MA USA. June, 2010 *
Brodt, S., Korsgaard, A., & Pitariu. Trust, identity and psychological attachment to groups: Influences on cooperation within groups. 5th Workshop on trust within and between organizations. EIASM, Madrid, Spain. January, 2010 *
Whitener, E., Brodt, S., & Korsgaard, A. Generar la confianza entre los cínicos. Seminario Académico, Escuela de Negocios, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago Chile. November 2009. Invited presentation
Brodt, S. Interpersonal conflict and negotiation. Multinational MBA. Escuela de Negocios, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago Chile September, 2009 & 2010. Invited presentation.
Brodt, S. & Ling, F. A balance theory approach to trust repair in groups. International Association for Conflict Management meetings. Kyoto, Japan. June, 2009 *
Neville, L. & Brodt, S. The curious relationship between fairness and trust in teams: When unfair treatment begets trust, fair process erodes trust and unfair restitution restores trust. Conference on Research on Managing Groups and Teams: Justice. Ithaca, NY May, 2009 *
Brodt, S. & Gross, M. Repairing trust through the kindness of strangers. Academy of Management Meetings. Anaheim, CA USA August, 2008 *
Brodt, S. & Dionisi, A. Trust and transitions: When peers become group leaders. Academy of Management Meetings. Anaheim, CA USA August, 2008 *
Dionisi, A. & Brodt, S. A. Managing identities across the negotiation divide: The effect of intragroup trust development strategies on inter-group negotiations. International Association for Conflict Management meetings. Chicago, IL USA July, 2008 *
Sippel, B. & Brodt, S. The psychology of blogging communities: Social identities and knowledge transfer across work groups. International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, Seattle, WA USA April, 2008 *
Brodt, S. & Hoption, C. Whispering in cyberspace: The effects of private communication on decision processes in distributed work groups. Queen’s University Department of Psychology, Social Psychology Brown Bag Series. Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario. November, 2006. Invited seminar.
Brodt, S., Lewicki, R., Northcraft, G., Pinkley, R., Thomas-Hunt, M., Weingart, L., Weiss, S. (co-presenters). Negotiating your first academic job: A training seminar for doctoral students. Academy of Management Meetings. Atlanta, GA USA August, 2006
Shea, C. & Brodt, S. Blogging to know you: Using personal blogs to develop workplace relationships. Academy of Management Meetings. Atlanta, GA USA August, 2006
Silve, C. & Brodt, S. The paradoxical nature of power in negotiations: Can technology keep negotiators on track? Academy of Management Meetings. Atlanta, GA USA August, 2006 Brodt, S. & Sitkin, S. The paradox of secrecy norms in organizations. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) (APA Division 12) conference. Dallas, TX USA. April, 2006 *
Brodt, S. & Emery, J. Beyond messages: The effects of information and relationship overload on ecommunication responsiveness and stress. Conference Celebrating the Life and Scholarship of Gerry DeSanctis, Durham, NC USA, March, 2006
Brodt, S. & Hoption, C. Whispering in cyberspace: The effects of private communication on decision processes in distributed work groups. International Association for Conflict Management meetings. Sevilla, Spain June, 2005 *
Brodt, S. & Hernandez, M. Trust and employment negotiations: The importance of feeling in control. International Association for Conflict Management meetings. Sevilla, Spain June, 2005 *
Brodt, S. Engendering trust among cynics: A story about strong and weak situational cues. Queen’s University Department of Psychology, Social Psychology Brown Bag Series. Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario. December, 2004. Invited Seminar
Brodt, S. Engendering trust among cynics. Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario. London, Ontario. December, 2004. Invited Seminar.
Whitener, E., Brodt, S. & Korsgaard, A. Toward an understanding of cynicism about work groups. Academy of Management Meetings. New Orleans, LA USA August, 2004 *
Brodt, S., Emery, J., & DeSanctis, G. The role of relationship load in e-communication overload: Managing multiple roles and identities. Academy of Management. New Orleans, LA August, 2004 *
Schweitzer, M., Brodt, S. & Croson, R. Negotiating teams in technology-mediated negotiations: Do they have a competitive advantage? International Association for Conflict Management meetings. Pittsburgh, PA USA June, 2004 *
Brodt, S., Korsgaard, A., & Whitener, E. The role of trustworthy behavior in rebuilding trust: The hidden costs of open communication. Academy of Management Meetings. Seattle, WA USA August, 2003 *
Brodt, S. & Korsgaard, A. Group identity and attachment: Two paths to trust and cooperation in groups. International Association for Conflict Management meetings. Melbourne, Australia June, 2003 *
Brodt, S. Negotiating at a distance: What we know and don’t know about technology-mediated negotiations. Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy, Tufts U., Medford, MA March, 2003. Invited Seminar.
Brodt, S. The psychology of trust in global organizations. Invited seminars.
- Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada (November, 2002); INSEAD, Singapore (December, 2002); London Business School, London England (December,2002); McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (January, 2003) Tufts University, Boston, MA (January, 2003)
Brodt, S., DeSanctis, G. & Emery, J. Looking beyond the messages: The effects of informational and relational complexity on E-communication overload. Academy of Management Meetings. Denver, Colorado USA August, 2002 *
Brodt, S., Schweitzer, M., & Croson, R. Seeing and believing: Visual access and the strategic use of deception. Behavioral Decision Research in Management (BDRM) Chicago, IL USA June, 2002 * Brodt, S., Korsgaard, A., & Whitener, E. The role of trustworthy behavior in rebuilding trust: The risks and rewards of open communication. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) (APA Division 12) annual conference. Toronto, ON, Canada. April, 2002 *
Brodt, S. The waxing and waning of self-interest: Cognitive and motivational aspects of intergroup negotiations among existing and newly formed negotiating teams. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) (APA Division 12) Conference. Orlando, FL USA April, 2001 *
Brodt, S. Trust is at the heart of negotiating. Johnson Graduate School of Management. Cornell University. Ithaca, NY USA April, 2001. Invited Seminar.
Brodt, S. & Sitkin, S. The paradox of secrecy norms in organizations: Incompatibility, incompleteness, and over-inclusiveness. Stern School of Management. New York University. New York, NY USA December, 2000. Invited Seminar.
Brodt, S. Trust is at the heart of negotiating. Conference on Research on Negotiation in Organization (RNO), Duke University, Durham, NC, USA November, 2000. Invited Presentation.
Brodt, S. & Fortune, A. Negotiating electronically versus face to face: An analysis of negotiation task, trust and deception. Academy of Management Meetings. Toronto, Ontario, August, 2000. *
Sitkin, S. & Brodt, S. Coping with the paradox of secrecy: Incompatibility, incompleteness, and inclusiveness. Academy of Management Meetings. Toronto, Ontario, Canada August, 2000 *
Croson, R., Schweitzer, M., & Brodt, S. Visual access and context-dependent lies: The use of deception in videoconference and telephone mediated negotiations. Behavioral Decision Research in Management (BDRM) Conference. Tucson, Arizona, USA May, 2000 *
Brodt, S. & Dietz, L. Personal self-disclosure and competitive and cooperative group decision making. INFORMS Meetings. Salt Lake City, UT, USA. May, 2000 *
Brodt, S. The relationship between cynicism and trust. A symposium on trust and cynicism at the Academy of Management Meetings, Chicago, IL, USA. August, 1999 *
Brodt, S. & Tuchinsky, M. Warmth over the wires: Building rapport for long distance negotiation. International Association for Conflict Management. San Sebastian, Spain. June, 1999*
Brodt, S. Negotiating relationships. Young President’s Organization, Charleston, SC USA May, 1999. Invited Seminar.
Brodt, S. Stereotyping and overconfidence: What hippies, preppies and those who judge them can tell us about cross-cultural encounters. Department of Psychology, The Ohio State University. Columbus, OH USA. March, 1999. Invited Seminar.
Brodt, S. Strategies for Teaching International Negotiation. Three-day faculty development workshop covering research and its implications for course design and teaching. Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER), Duke University. Durham, NC USA October, 1998-2001
Brodt, S. Evidence of exploration and discovery in negotiating teams. International Association for Conflict Management (IACM) meetings, University of Maryland, College Park, MD. USA June, 1998 * Brodt, S. Shared information and information sharing: Understanding negotiation as collective construal. RNO Conference, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA. April, 1998. Invited Presentation.
Clemen, R. & Brodt, S. Sources of value: The links between prescriptive negotiation techniques and experienced utility. INFORMS meetings, Montreal, Quebec, Canada April 1998 *
Brodt, S. Negotiation as discovery and invention. Stanford University, Psychology Department. Stanford, CA USA. November, 1997. Invited Seminar.
Brodt, S. Group memory systems and their implications for negotiating teams and intergroup negotiation. SPUDM 16 Conference, Leeds, England. August, 1997 *
Brodt, S. & Engelhoff, W. Understanding and studying what it means to be global. Professional Development Seminar. Academy of Management Conference. Boston, MA, USA August, 1997 *
Brodt, S. & Tinsley, C. The role of frames, schemas and scripts in cross-cultural conflict, International Association for Conflict Management, Bonn, Germany, June, 1997 *
Brodt, S. The social psychology of global management: Schemas, scripts and frames. Department of Management. Georgetown University, Washington, DC USA February, 1997. Invited Seminar.
Brodt, S. & Tuchinsky, M. Working together in opposite directions: A test of a cognitive, decision analytic model of the “good cop/bad cop” negotiating team tactic. Academy of Management Meetings, Cincinnati, OH, USA August, 1996 *
Brodt, S. & Sheppard, B. Thinking globally: What is different about managerial and organizational cognition in global and non-global firms? Workshop co-chairs. Academy of Management Meetings, Cincinnati, OH USA August, 1996 *
Grants & Funding
SSHRC General Research Grant, Promoting a cultural mosaic in a multicultural workplace: Balancing cultural identities to build productive, trusting and satisfying work relationships. (2009-2012)
Monieson Centre Research Grant, Queen’s University, Feeling Trusted, Trusting Others: Team Initiator’s’ Trust in Temporary Team Members (2009-2011)
Monieson Centre Research Grant, Queen’s University, The psychology of blogging communities: Social identity and knowledge transfer across work groups (2008-2009)
D.I. McLeod Term Research Grant, School of Business, Queen’s University (2008-09; 2007-08; 2012-13)
Faculty Development Grant (Fall 2006, Fall 2009, Winter 2010; Winter 2012)
E. Marie Shantz Research Professorship, Queen’s University (2005-2008)
General Research Grant, Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s University (2004-2005; 2009-2011)
D.I. McLeod Summer Research Grant, School of Business, Queen’s University (2004-06, 2008, 2011-12)
Research Initiation Grant, Queen’s University (2004-2006)
Research Grant, Hartman Center for Medium Size Enterprises, Trust, Attachment, and Working Effectively in Groups (2002-2003)
Research Grant, Filene Research Institute & Center for Credit Union Research, University of Wisconsin, Forging employee morale, trust and performance (1999-2000)
Research Grant, Center for International Studies (CIBER), Duke University, Warmth over the wires: Building rapport for distance negotiation (1999-2000)
Development Grant, Duke-UNC Program on Latin American Studies, Negotiation: The Global Environment (2000-2001)
Research and Development Grants from Duke CIBER: 1995 (Mexico); 1996 (Spain, Brazil); 1998 (Argentina); 1999 (France)
Research Travel Grants, Center for International Studies (CIBER), Duke University (1995-2000)
National Institute of Mental Health Fellowship (NIMH, USA)
Stanford University Graduate Fellowship (USA)
Other Awards
Citibank Global Scholars Award, Team Negotiations in the European Community
Fulbright Scholar Award finalist
Phi Beta Kappa
Selected Professional and Consulting Experience
Board and Advisory Committees (Current and previously)
Executive Committee member, Consortium in Latin American Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Duke University, Duke University, Durham, NC USA
Board Member, Council on Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Duke University, Durham, NC USA
Board of Directors, International Association for Conflict Management (IACM) St. Louis, MO USA
Executive Committee, Academy of Management, Conflict Management Division Braircliff Manor, NY USA
Board of Directors, Graduate Women in Business (GWIB), Charlottesville, VA USA
Board of Directors, Temple Beth Israel, Kingston, ON Canada
Organizational Behavior
Kraft General Foods, Glenview, IL USA. Topic: Conflict Management
Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN USA
- Topic: Judgment, decision making, and negotiation
American Federation of the Arts, J. Paul Getty Trust, Museum Management Institute San Francisco, CA USA
- Topic: Interpersonal conflict and negotiated conflict resolution
Methodology, Statistics, and Data Analysis
Research Psychologist and Statistician, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Adolescent Medicine, UCSF, San Francisco, CA USA
Program Evaluation
Director of Program Evaluation, "IndepenDance" Program, The David & Lucile Packard Foundation, 300 Second Street, Los Altos, CA USA
Service Academy of Management
Conflict Management Division elected leadership positions: Past Division Chair (2008-2009), Division Chair (2007-2008), Division Chair elect (2006-2007), Program Chair (2005-2006), PDW Chair & Program Chair Elect (2004-2005)
Program Committee (Organizational Behavior, Conflict Management, and Managerial Cognition Divisions)
Conflict Management Division Awards Committee
Executive Board Member (Conflict Management Division)
International Association for Conflict Management (IACM)
Board of Directors
Annual Meeting Program Chair (with R. Lewicki) Chair
Best Article Award Committee
Member, Program Committee, Publications Committee
Queen’s University
Queen’s University Research Ethics Review Board (GREB)
Strategic Research Plan (SRP) Community Committee Representative
Ontario Council on Graduate Student (OCGS) Scholarship Adjudication Committee
Andrina McCulloch Public Speaking Competition, Judge
Inquiry@Queen’s, Session Leader and Student Advisor
Associate Chair, Division V, Queen’s U. School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs
Faculty Development Fund Committee
Appointments Committee, Queen’s School of Business (elected position)
University Senator (elected position)
Chair, University Library Committee (appointed by University Principal) Principal’s Advisory Committee
Internal Academic Review Team (Jewish Studies Program)
Duke University
University Academic Council
Dean’s Advisory Committee
International Business Committee
Executive MBA Committee
Honor Board and Grievance Committee
University of Virginia
Executive Education Committee
Second-year MBA Elective Course Committee
Dean's Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Diversity
Membership in Professional Organizations Academy of Management
American Psychological Society (APS)
International Association for Conflict Management (IACM)
Society for Judgment and Decision Making (JDM) Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)
Ad Hoc Reviewer and Review Board Membership
Organization Science (currently, Editorial Review Board)
Negotiation and Conflict Management Research (currently, Editorial Review Board)
Journal of Management (formerly, Editorial Review Board)
Journal of International Business Studies (formerly, Editorial Review Board)
International Journal of Conflict Management (formerly, Editorial Review Board)
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (formerly, Editorial Review Board)
Academy of Management Annual Conference (OB, CM divisions)
International Association for Conflict Management (IACM) Annual Conference Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRCC) National Science Foundation (NSF)