Warner-Lambert pledges $1 million to the Commerce program 1997

In November 1996, Mel Goodes, BCom'57, chairman and CEO of the Warner-Lambert Company, visited campus to announce a $1 million donation to the Commerce program.
The gift from Warner-Lambert, its second million-dollar pledge in just five years, was earmarked for a 'teaching and learning in 21st century' program, which was meant to revolutionize the way Commerce courses are taught at Queen's. The money was to be invested over a five-year period in the creation of a fully networked environment for the school and updated technologies in the main Commerce classrooms.
The donation also contained stipulations that students would have access to technology bursaries to support their computer needs, and faculty would receive funds to assist them in redesigning courses and pedagogical approaches. "Today is the day the sun shines on the undergraduate program at Queen's," said Dean Northey. "Mel Goodes is a great benefactor and a role model for all of the graduates who come out of this university."
"I can't tell you how proud I am to be here to further strengthen the role of this great university," said Goodes, who was on hand to sign the new agreement at a November ceremony.