Time capsule dedication 2001

There were many things to celebrate on convocation day 2001. Along with recognizing the accomplishments of hundreds of School of Business graduates, the day marked the official naming of the new home for the School: Goodes Hall. A time capsule was also dedicated at the event, to be opened in 2052. A graduating student from each of the School's programs, along with staff and faculty representatives, each contributed an item.
Pictured left to right (with time capsule item in brackets):
- Don Bayne, OEMBA'01, (class 'Q' ring designed by OEMBA'01)
- Helen McEvoy, BCom'01, (BCom'01 leather jacket)
- Andrew Tsui, MBAst'01, (MBAst'01 resume book and a yearbook CD-ROM)
- Tom Anger, BSc'78, MBA'82, Associate Dean (copy of Getting Down to Business: A History of Business Education at Queen's, by professors Merv Daub and Bruce Buchan)
- Mary Senior, Queen's School of Business Staff (staff photo directory and package of post-it notes)
- Shelley Lewis, EMBA'01 (Calgary team t-shirt, CD-ROM of course materials and a 'rice krispie' square)
- Tao Zeng, PhD'01, (a copy of her PhD thesis and an MSc'01 class photo)
- Janet Jakobsen, MBA'01 (a book containing NEMBA participant profiles)