Frosh week changes 2005

Commerce alums of all ages have at least one thing in common: their memories of frosh week. In 2003, the province of Ontario phased out its OAC (grade 13) year, leading to an increase in the number of first-year university students 18 years old and younger. This meant that many of the traditional orientation week activities that may previously have involved alcohol needed to be reworked - a challenge which the orientation committee of 2005 eagerly took on.
The largest-ever orientation committee developed a varied program of activities designed to increase participants' comfort levels, divert attention away from alcohol, and maintain the fun atmosphere for which frosh week is famous. They launched the Queen's stock exchange - a simulated stock market exchange between frosh groups that incorporated marketing, finance and competitive strategies. The Goodes Hall dance party showcased the building as a fun place, hopefully lessening some of the culture shock likely experienced by those recent high school graduates. Competitions throughout the week provided a positive outlet for the frosh's energy and enthusiasm while also serving to de-emphasize alcohol.
As one committee member said, "if the transition to university was made easier for just one Commerce student because of our week, then it was worth the effort."