Master Teacher Bill Cannon 1980
Betty Boland and Garth Foster,
profile from 1980

"It may not be rare, but it is certainly inspiring to meet a professor who is genuinely enthusiastic about teaching. Dr. William (Bill) J. Cannon, a finance professor at the School of Business, is an excellent example of a hard working faculty member whose first love is the classroom," shared Betty Boland and Garth Foster, BCom'81.
"The essential element of Cannon's strategy is hard work for all. He sets the pace with legendary energy which the students learn to respect and which they soon realize is expected from them in return."
"There are also a number of other improvements that Professor Cannon would like to see considered which he feels would enhance teaching in the School. He sees a need for some new courses on business history, ethics, the regulatory process and the role of women in business. This would provide students with a broader background and allow them to be in closer touch with current topics and controversies that exist in the business world."