25 years of ComSoc 1993

Over the course of its first 25 years, ComSoc evolved into an organization with five divisions and over 20 committees, involving 250 students. Perhaps best known was the external affairs commission, which published national business student newspaper 'The Briefcase' and organized conferences such as QBET, ICBC, QEC and CEEC.
Other divisions included the education commission, the careers and alumni commission, the society activities commission, which oversaw the buddy and all-year social committees, and the operations commission, which was responsible for the operations of two ComSoc business, Jacketcomm and Oil Thigh Designs (formerly Shirtcomm), as well as the Commons Committee, which maintained the ComSoc offices. The Commons, ComSoc's headquarters, had moved across street to make room for Stauffer Library, in what was the largest house moving project in Ontario history.