25 years of ComSoc
Dean: Margot Northey
New technology supports BCom Plus
A new home for the School of Business
Management simulation lab at work
Mel Goodes and Warner-Lambert pledge $1 million to the School of Business
ICBC: five years of tradition
80s Snapshot
Award winning teacher: Yolande Chan
White hat brigade
Opening of 'The Commons'
Early Nineties Memories from Commerce: Tracy Jenkin, BCom'94
Ice Storm '98
Memories from the 90s
Bachelor of Commerce Curriculum, 1998
Warner-Lambert pledges $1 million to the Commerce program
“Forever glad that I was 'Feeling fine in '89' as a Commie.”
Pat Baldwin, BCom'89, remembers his days in Commerce.
If you don’t succeed at ICBC, try try again!
Neil Pasricha remembers The Commerce COMMrade
The computer lab opens
Business Graphics Centre opens: Michael Organ, BCom'88
1984 crest painting
#StillHaveMyFroshWeekTee: Peggy Steele, BCom'99
Memories of the 80s
Queen's Marketing Association's Resource Centre opens
"Master Teacher" Bill Cannon
Case competition team to Dallas, TX
90s Snapshot
ICBC 20 during Ice Storm '98